Crowdfunding Resource Centre

1. Crowdfunding Basics

"Crowdfunding is the practice of funding a project or cause by raising many small amounts of money from a large number of people, via the internet."

Crowdfunding is facilitated through a website called a Crowdfunding Platform.

A platform like Pozible (that's us) offers people the opportunity to create their own crowdfunding campaign page where they can explain their project outcomes with video, images & text, outline the amount of money they need to raise in order to fulfil these outcomes, set the duration the campaign will run for & collect the money from supporters.

There are two main models of crowdfunding:


All-or-nothing campaigns are only paid out if the funding target is met or exceeded. If they don’t hit their target, they get nothing and supporters are not charged. This is the model that Pozible has always offered, best suited to creative projects, product pre-order campaigns or any other project-based initiative.

Flexible Funding

Flexible funding allows project creators to receive any amount that is raised at the end of their campaign regardless of their funding target. This works best for donations campaigns for charity causes or not-for-profit fundraisers that will accept any amount of funding to put towards their goals.

Start a Crowdfunding Campaign

Different Types of Crowdfunding

There are 4 main types of campaigns.

Reward Based

Where you offer products, experiences or recognition in return for support.

Debt Based

Where you borrow money from supporters with the intention of paying it back.


Where you offer equity and/or financial returns in exchange for support.


Where you don’t offer anything in return. It is all about making a difference together.

What is Pozible?

We champion ideas by empowering creators & connecting communities.

Pozible is an Australian born, global crowdfunding platform that specialises in All-or-Nothing, reward-based crowdfunding. We are a highly skilled and dedicated team that offers anyone the opportunity to launch an idea.

We are invested in your success.

The Pozible platform is success-based, meaning we only take our small platform fee if your campaign is successful. This allows us to continue providing the best service for all creators, but also means anyone can get started in bringing their project to life with no upfront costs.

We celebrate diversity, change & forward-thinking.

Pozible has also grown into an active and socially engaged community. It is a gateway for discovering and supporting inspirational projects and thinkers directly. By becoming actively involved in bringing more attention to bold new ideas, art, products and the talented people who conceive them, project supporters become a vital part of a true creative community.

Next: 2. Campaign Analysis

Dive into some case studies on the most successful Pozible campaigns to learn how they were able to achieve their results.

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