Congrats, you did it!
Now that all your hard work has paid off, it's time to actually get to work on your project. Take a well-deserved break from the promotions, but remember to maintain your relationships with your supporters through regular project updates. After all, these supporters could become your best ongoing customers.
Show Your Appreciation
Thank everyone that supported in any way. Update your email lists, social media & current supporters and make them feel special about being a part of a successful campaign. Continue the relationship with your supporters. Download all the emails for supporters, add your social media links in any updates and make a link at the top of your description that points to your website or social media.
Declined Payments
Resolve any declined pledges. Check your Supporters tab and message or email any supporters whose pledges failed (they have 7 days after the campaign ends to fix their payment). Pozible automatically notifies any declined pledges, but it always helps to remind people as well.
Next: 12. Delivering Rewards
Things to consider when delivering rewards to your crowdfunding supporters.
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