Van Diemen's Band Debut CD
A warm fuzzy feeling knowing that you are supporting the arts in Australia, and bringing this wonderful music to life!
That same warm fuzzy feeling + A copy of our new CD when it is released + your name on the website as a VDB supporter.
Warm fuzziness + 2 signed copies of our CD once it is released + your name on the website and liner notes.
Quattro Stagioni
3 signed copies of our CD when it is released + your name on the website, & CD liner notes as a supporter of VDB.
Funiculi Funicula
3 signed copies of the CD + your name on the website, CD liner notes and programs, + a jar of Julia’s famous homemade Napoli sauce. (In Tassie only)
Santa Lucia
3 signed copies of the CD once it is released, your name on the website, CD liner notes & programs and a lesson with Catherine Jones or Julia Fredersdorff (Only in Tassie between the 14th and 17th of March)
Come Back to Sorrento
3 signed copies of CD once it is released, your name on website, CD liner notes & programs with the title 'Founding Patron'. Invitations to post concert events, and the opportunity to attend one of the recording sessions for 1 hour.
O' Sole Mio
All of the above + universal praise and adoration.