68 people are supporting Bill Malkin
SpamBludger Stickers
SpamBludger! Proudly implementing Government policy. SpamBludger! For all your Government mandated spamming. SpamBludger! When losing the dole is not good. SpamBludger! Putting you in front of thousands of employers every day. Thank you SpamBludger! Now employers are begging to hire me.
A T-Shirt with the logo "SpamBludger! Proudly Aids and Abetz Government Policy."
Desk nameplate
This desk nameplate is designed for the discerning SpamBludger investor. It is a 20cm length of wood, triangular in profile, with a gold or silver coloured plate on one face. This plate will display your name and, underneath, our motto, "Milia Litteras Locatores". For those not familiar with dead languages, translated into English this Latin phrase says, "Thousands of Letters to Employers". Or you could always have two T-shirts!