This is because all people on unemployment benefits (Newstart) may soon be required to apply for forty jobs per month. Furthermore, these people will also be expected to "work for the dole" for 25 hours per week. They will therefore obviously require the assistance of an automated system in order to achieve this otherwise impossible demand by the Australian Government.
To do this, the system will scan Seek and the on-line Yellow Pages directory for businesses that contain the key words the job seeker has entered. It then generates and emails an appropriate application based on the job requirements and the job seeker's resume, gender, age, blood group, sexual preference, political and football club affiliations and shoe size. (Not that any business houses take any of those personal attributes into consideration when selecting candidates. But just in case.)
The number of job applications generated and sent every weekday will default to two (in order to achieve the target of forty per month) but can be set up to a maximum daily limit of 10,000. For an additional fee, this maximum limit can be overridden so that the job seeker is able to gain an advantage over the other half a million job seekers each sending out 10,000 job applications on a daily basis.
All emailed job applications will be cc'd to Senator Eric Abetz, the brains behind the forty job application requirement, so that he can marvel at the success of his scheme.
The system will be called SpamBludger and my hope is that it will be made available for free at all leading CentreLink outlets.
The SpamBludger motto will be, "We have the technology. Let us do your government-mandated spamming for you."
I humbly seek your assistance to build this system in order to aid the unemployed of which I am one, particularly since this situation for most of us is a result of defective government policy. I would also like to be able to demonstrate to the Australian Government the power of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, and what happens to politicians when they have no knowledge of, or respect for, these disciplines or of the abilities and power of the Australian unemployed.
How The Funds Will Be Used
For more information on this policy, please see
I will not be spending any money on this project unless the forty job applications per month requirement becomes law. However, I will certainly be accepting investments in order to demonstrate the viability of this project and hence the stupidity of the policy. I sincerely hope that the outcome results in the refunding of all monies to investors. However, if the Government proves to be bull-headed about this then, as well as neutering their silly policy, we will also demonstrate to these neo-luddite bumblers the democratising power of modern-day information technology and, dare I say it, Science!
The Challenges
Of course, if this application is used by all half a million Australian job seekers, each sending their mandated two applications per day, then a fairly large server will be needed to send those one million emails daily.
However, if each job seeker ends up sending the maximum of 10,000 applications per day, then we will need to purchase a massively parallel supercomputer in order to handle the resultant 5 billion emails to be sent daily. Luckily, CSIRO is being downgraded and converted into a PC fix-it shop so we would be able to, very cheaply, purchase one of their mainframes that previously tracked biosecurity threats and put it to better use.
SpamBludger Stickers
SpamBludger! Proudly implementing Government policy. SpamBludger! For all your Government mandated spamming. SpamBludger! When losing the dole is not good. SpamBludger! Putting you in front of thousands of employers every day. Thank you SpamBludger! Now employers are begging to hire me.
A T-Shirt with the logo "SpamBludger! Proudly Aids and Abetz Government Policy."
Desk nameplate
This desk nameplate is designed for the discerning SpamBludger investor. It is a 20cm length of wood, triangular in profile, with a gold or silver coloured plate on one face. This plate will display your name and, underneath, our motto, "Milia Litteras Locatores". For those not familiar with dead languages, translated into English this Latin phrase says, "Thousands of Letters to Employers". Or you could always have two T-shirts!