Charm of Finches debut EP
GREEN FINCH PACK a digital download of the EP and our heartfelt thanks!
OWL FINCH PACK a physical copy of EP digital download of the EP and our heartfelt thanks! (international supporters add $5 for postage)
ZEBRA FINCH PACK physical copy of EP digital download of the EP plus a sweet little hand stitched finch brooch made by us! and our heartfelt thanks! (international supporters add $5 for postage)
STAR FINCH PACK a physical copy of the EP digital download plus, a handmade and embroidered Charm of Finches bento bag made by us - excellent for carrying your lunch, craft or bird seed and our heartfelt thanks! (international supporters add $5 for postage)
BLUE CAPPED CORDON BLEU FINCH PACK 2 x tickets to EP launch in Melbourne (venue/date TBA) physical copy of the EP digital download of the EP and our heartfelt thanks!
GOLD FINCH PACK your name in the liner notes on the EP and digital download of a bonus song (not on EP) plus 2 x tickets to the EP launch in Melbourne (venue/date TBA) physical copy of the EP digital download of the EP and our heartfelt thanks!
DIAMOND FIRETAIL FINCH PACK We will do a cover of a song of your choice and upload it to YouTube with a personal dedication to YOU! (keep it G rated, we're kids you know) Your name in the liner notes of the EP, 2 x tickets to the EP launch in Melbourne digital download of a bonus song (not on EP) physical copy of the EP digital download of the EP and our heartfelt thanks!
LADY GOULDIAN FINCH PACK A PRIVATE CONCERT at your house for you, your friends and family (only for those who live within 1.5 hours from Melbourne) plus your name in the liner notes on the EP digital download of a bonus song physical copy of the EP digital download of the EP and our heartfelt thanks!
RUFOUS BREASTED WARBLING FINCH PACK CD of our song "Girl in the Lighthouse" plus a handmade illustrated book to go with it , all drawn, painted and bound by us! your name in the liner notes on the EP 2 x tickets to the EP launch in Melbourne physical copy of the EP digital download of the EP and our heartfelt thanks!!!!