Vertical Life Mag Print Quarterly
Five-edition VL Print Sub
Five issues of Vertical Life delivered to your door. That's one Best Of sent out in the pre-Christmas mail and then four print edition in 2019 commencing in March. Guaranteed climb-y, print-y, read-y and look-y awesomeness.
VL print sub + Climber's Calendar + sticker
Five issues of Vertical Life delivered to your door. That's one Best Of sent out in the pre-Christmas mail and four print editions in 2019 (starting in March). Plus a copy of the VL / Kamil Sustiak colab Climber's Calendar that's rammed with incredible pics and heaps of climbing dates and anniversaries + a rad VL sticker.
Sub + Calendar + Sticker + VL T-shirt
Five print editions of Vertical Life including one Best Of in the pre-Christmas mail and four 2019 issues (commencing March) sent to your door. One VL-Kamil Sustiak colab Climber's Calendar, a rad sticker to signal you're one of us and a limited-edition must-have VL t-shirt.
VL Super Sub + Calendar + Sticker + VL T-shirt
Collector's Edition Vertical Life Best Of issues #1 and #2 (very limited stock, will not be printed again). Plus the new five-edition VL sub + Climber's Calendar, a rad sticker to signal you're one of us and a must-have VL t-shirt.
Public ˙Humiliation
You can send Ross& Simon whatever clothes you want and they will wear them climbing for a day and post the pictures to social media to all the public ridicule. PLUS A five-edition VL print sub, one VL-Kamil Sustiak colab Climber's Calendar, a rad sticker to signal you're one of us and a limited edition, must have VL t-shirt.
Lay your cards on the table
***VERY LIMITED*** Five print editions of Vertical Life plus the Very-Limited-Only-Eight-Packs-In-Existence VL Climbing Royalty Playing Cards. Plus VL-Kamil Sustiak colab Climber's Calendar, a rad sticker to signal you're one of us and a must-have VL t-shirt.
Best Weekend Eva
2-days hosted climbing in the Grampians for two people with accom, food, booze if you're into it, we will put your draws on your project & brush your boulders, take your shoes off for you, pamper you, make you sending coffee & cook your food. Plus 2 VL subs, 2 calendars, 2 stickers and 2 t-shirts. Does not include transportation.