Lee Matthews

Film & Video

Emo (the musical) feature film

of $40,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 31st Oct 2015 at 2:56AM.
There is nothing to show just yet.

Own the full film

For no more than the retail price of a DVD or digital purchase be one of the first to grab our finished feature film - purchased in advanced with love and support from you.

73 chosen

Est. delivery is Oct 16

Own the film + the short

Go on, tip in a little extra and we'll give you a full copy of our existing short film in addition to the final feature length movie.

40 chosen

Est. delivery is Oct 16

Films + Your very own T

Grab copies of both films and be the first to secure an official crew T-shirt with one of Emo Ethan's witty biting slogans.

38 chosen

Est. delivery is Oct 16

Your name up in lights

Purchase both the short and feature length versions of 'Emo' as well as have your name appear up on the big screen in amongst our thank-you credits and on social media.

40 chosen

Est. delivery is Oct 16

Attend our World Premiere

We'll supply a double gold pass and you'll make your way to Melbourne for our exclusive cast and crew premiere of 'Emo' in August 2016.

18 chosen

Est. delivery is Aug 16

This one's for you

Along with copies of the films you'll get your very own song - written by director Neil Triffett and recorded on set during production, tell us a little about yourself and we'll sing you a song for you to own privately or uploaded on our official site for the whole world to share.

1 chosen / 2 available

Est. delivery is Oct 16

Your own Gold Class Party

We'll organise everything so that you grab your best pals and head along to your very own exclusive screening of 'Emo' in a Gold Class or VIP cinema in your Australian capital city. Choc tops, popcorn and bubbles included. Guaranteed minimum of 15 guests - usually more.

1 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 16

Your own Producer Credit

Yep, the big league. All of the above, private screening included, plus you become one of the team - your very own Associate Producer credit on the film and on IMDB.

3 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 16