Lee Matthews

Film & Video

Emo (the musical) feature film

of $40,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 31st Oct 2015 at 2:56AM.
"There’s a strange holy war happening in the high school as a group of Christian musicians and a group of Emos battle it out in preparation for the annual Rock Competition"

After the success of our short film we're now making a feature version of our satirical high school musical - Emo - and we'd love you to support us by being the first to buy a copy of our finished film in advance.

Desperate to belong within his new school, Emo Ethan quickly finds a place in the school Emo band as it is ramping up to win the State School Rock Competition. However, when the School’s Christian Group enters the competition as well, the two groups are set at war against one another, making it the worst possible time for Ethan and Christian Trinity to fall in love.
As the competition escalates and each group's tactics turn nasty, the star-crossed lovers are forced to make decisions that might cost them their friends, their place in school, and each other.

Here's our short-film version that offers a great proof of concept for what we're aiming to create with the feature:

Still images featuring the cast from the short version of Emo (the musical):
1.Harry Borland as Ethan  2.Robert Tripolino as Isaac  3.Zak Marrinan as Bradley. And further below Charlotte Nicdao.

Emo the feature promises to be an exciting film with a point of difference, a satirical high school musical about a group of misfits, elevated by coming of age, romance, buddy antics and a turf war.  It will be a film for teenagers past and present, for everyone who can relate to sometime, somehow, feeling like they didn’t quite fit in.

Please pre-purchase a copy of the film and choose from our range of rewards by checking out the options to screen right>>

Thanks for supporting us - and Australian independent film!

Neil Triffett (writer/director)
Lee Matthews (producer)


* Emo (the musical) began as a short film that won a 'special mention' at the prestigious Berlinale International Film Festival in 2014 - the runner up to the Crystal Bear for best short film in Berlinale’s Generation section.
* The short film then went on to worldwide festival success winning awards both locally and internationally.
* The feature version scripted by Director Neil Triffett through the support of Screen Australia and Film Victoria is a tale about unconventional characters, one that’s funny, irreverent and somewhat subversive, promising great music at its heart.
* The film's original songs are also written by Neil and we're currently working with some of Australia's most interesting emerging independent musical talents as we head towards song production.
* As a musical, the film promises to join Australia's proud history of films that have music in their DNA – Strictly Ballroom, Muriel’s Wedding, Priscilla, Bran Nue Dae and The Sapphires – that all reached a wide audience because they were entertaining while having something to say, and got people’s toes tapping. Emo will do the same.
* Emo will be a film created for young adults, 15-35 at its core. Equally for women as men. It will skew towards an intelligent, self-aware audience just left of, but still part of the mainstream.
* We are bringing together an impressive production team including Executive Producers Jonathan Page (The Babadook, 100 Bloody Acres, The Infinite Man) Yael Bergman (Love and Other Catastrophes, I Love You Too), and Shaun Miller (Mary & Max). 
* We have received commitments from investors including Screen Australia, a distributor and an international sales agent and we're now hoping to fill our gap in financing with your support.

By way of pre-purchasing the film your contribution won’t just go towards us making a better film but will give you first opportunity to be part of the Emo audience, or even be part of the team. 

Thank you for supporting and being part of what we are sure will be a new and exciting film for Australian cinema.

To stay up to date with the film including some exciting casting announcements, please follow our TwitterInstagram or Facebook page Also look out for our competitions to be launched throughout the campaign.

And if you're over the age of 16 and would like to be a school-kid Extra during filming in the Melbourne January school holidays, please register your interest, including a face pic via 

Filmmaking Team

Writer/Director: Neil Triffett
Producer: Lee Matthews
Executive Producers: Yael Bergman, Jonathan Page, Shaun Miller
Cast and crew: To be announced 
Distributor: Bonsai Films 
Developed with the assistance of Screen Australia and Film Victoria

Emo and us on Social Media

How The Funds Will Be Used

Advanced sales and crowd funding pledges will be used to help pay our cast and crew, to cover props, costumes, sets and location costs and to cover the hire of equipment. We’re committed to ensuring that all of the cast, crew and facilities on this production are paid the minimum rates due as professionals in the industry, and that we abide by all our obligations as an employer and producer.

The Challenges

We have challenges a-plenty on this film. 

First, it's a musical, which ain't easy. We'll be producing a full-length album in amongst the pre-production, which will be an amazing ball of fun and terrifying. We'll be relying on our super-awesome Music Producer to champion us through this process.

We're also low budget. It'll be tight! But we're keeping our overheads down and doing a bit of salary reinvestment, so we can give our Heads of Department the support they need. 

Artistically, we have the small challenge of needing to make a good film. I'll be tackling that problem by having a brief but significant breakdown, and then putting my nose to the grindstone. This film needs to be fun and fast and funny, and it'll be borne off the back of my sweat, blood and tears. Emo much?

I actually am genuinely looking forward to making this film.

Oh, and we need your help in filling a small but important funding gap in our financing.  
Thanks for considering the project! 

Own the full film

For no more than the retail price of a DVD or digital purchase be one of the first to grab our finished feature film - purchased in advanced with love and support from you.

73 chosen

Est. delivery is Oct 16

Own the film + the short

Go on, tip in a little extra and we'll give you a full copy of our existing short film in addition to the final feature length movie.

40 chosen

Est. delivery is Oct 16

Films + Your very own T

Grab copies of both films and be the first to secure an official crew T-shirt with one of Emo Ethan's witty biting slogans.

38 chosen

Est. delivery is Oct 16

Your name up in lights

Purchase both the short and feature length versions of 'Emo' as well as have your name appear up on the big screen in amongst our thank-you credits and on social media.

40 chosen

Est. delivery is Oct 16

Attend our World Premiere

We'll supply a double gold pass and you'll make your way to Melbourne for our exclusive cast and crew premiere of 'Emo' in August 2016.

18 chosen

Est. delivery is Aug 16

This one's for you

Along with copies of the films you'll get your very own song - written by director Neil Triffett and recorded on set during production, tell us a little about yourself and we'll sing you a song for you to own privately or uploaded on our official site for the whole world to share.

1 chosen / 2 available

Est. delivery is Oct 16

Your own Gold Class Party

We'll organise everything so that you grab your best pals and head along to your very own exclusive screening of 'Emo' in a Gold Class or VIP cinema in your Australian capital city. Choc tops, popcorn and bubbles included. Guaranteed minimum of 15 guests - usually more.

1 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 16

Your own Producer Credit

Yep, the big league. All of the above, private screening included, plus you become one of the team - your very own Associate Producer credit on the film and on IMDB.

3 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 16