Kirsten Bradley

Help create the 107 Rooftop Garden

of $5,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 15th Oct 2014 at 1:43AM.
Nicole SadlierHi Milkwooders - I was really excited to see you doing this project. Urban Agriculture rocks! Awesome to see lots of people supporting this project.10y
Lisa MExcited for you guys and for Sydney to have a little oasis !! Love, Lisa xx10y
alessandraHooray for you guys! I make this donation in memory of Sweetpea Hoot, a wonderful chicken. Please put her name on yr blog thanks page xo10y
Kathryn ScobieYou guys are brilliant and this rooftop garden will be as good as it gets. I'm so happy to be a part of it and can't wait to get amongst it! - KJ10y
The Bharani EffectSo excited for this project and can't wait to see it come to life! Love The Bharani Effect x10y
Jason WoodWhat an amazing community project! I look forward to getting involved.10y
Natalie DickinsonHi! I wanted to pledge 2 of the dinners but the site will only allow me to purchase 1. What can I do? Cheers, Natalie10y
Natasha NewmanSensational community project. I hope there will be many more.10y
Ni Wa LimGoodluck Milkwood for the rest of the pledge. I see you all in December or 2015 courses.10y

Two Thumbs Up

Hooray! For 10 bucks you'll get a warm and fuzzy feeling + we'll also add your name to the Thank you section of our blog when the garden opens. Come visit us sometime?

10 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 14

Seedy Goodness

Thanks heaps! We're going to send you a personal Thank You on a specially designed seed-paper note card. Which you can plant and grow, once you've absorbed the thanks within. We'll also add your name to the Thank you section of our blog when the garden opens.

16 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 14

VIP at Garden Opening

You rock. Please come along to our Garden opening as a VIP and drink cocktails with ingredients sourced from the micro forest garden, on us. We'll also add your name to the Thank you section of our blog when the garden opens.

34 chosen / 6 available

Est. delivery is Dec 14

Passata Day ticket

Wow you're awesome. Want to come to a special Passata Day, held just for givers like you, with us at the new garden in February? If you can't make it on the day, we'll post you some passata instead. And a thank you on our blog.

6 chosen / 34 available

Est. delivery is Feb 15

Summer Solstice Dinner

How good are you? Please join us at a special invite-only dinner in the Garden on the 13th December, with local food cooked by awesome Sydney chefs. And local cocktails. And some natural wine. And good conversation with gorgeous, down to earth folk. And a thank you on our blog.

11 chosen / 9 available

Est. delivery is Dec 14

Intro to Permaculture

Wow look at you - what a legend! Please come along to one of our upcoming 'Intro to Permaculture' (rrp $441 - 490) courses on us. And we'll include a thank you on our blog.

3 chosen / 7 available

Est. delivery is Nov 14

Micro Forest Garden

We love you to bits! For this amount you'll get naming rights to one of our Micro Forest Gardens - a fully established fruit tree surrounded by edible understorey with self-watering system. We'll thank you on a plaque attached to the planter. And we'd also love you to come along to our Summer Solstice dinner as a VIP too. We'll also add your name to the Thank you section of our blog when the garden opens.

1 chosen / 5 available

Est. delivery is Dec 14

Milkwood PDC training

Yep, you're certainly special. Please join us at any upcoming Permaculture Design Course (PDC) on us! This intensive 2 week course will arm you with some serious design skills. And you'll also be saving a bundle off the normal price. And we'd love you to come to our Solstice Dinner on the 13th December at the Garden too. And a thank you on our blog.

1 chosen / 1 available

Est. delivery is Nov 14

Aquaponics System

You are seriously the best thing since sliced bread. For this reward we'll put up a special plaque of thanks with your name, next to our extremely gorgeous aquaponics system which we're installing to demonstrate closed loop intensive food production. And we'd also love you to come along to our Summer Solstice dinner as a VIP too. We'll also add your name to the Thank you section of our blog when the garden opens.

0 chosen / 1 available

Est. delivery is Dec 14