Kirsten Bradley

Help create the 107 Rooftop Garden

of $5,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 15th Oct 2014 at 1:43AM.
Hey there! Ok so we're dead set on creating a super urban permaculture garden on the rooftop of 107 Redfern Street that will be an amazing community resource.

By resource we mean a place of learning (lots of free + expert workshops), and of fresh food, green space, and a source of free cuttings and veggie seedlings for the Redfern community.

The garden is going to be packed with good things to eat for both people and city pollinators, which will be shared at community food swaps.

We're also going to create lots of examples of urban permaculture at its best - small-space aquaponics systems, urban honey production, raised beds full of organic veggies, wicking beds full of herbs, micro forest gardens, dwarf fruit trees, vertical gardens, nutrient recycling and water harvesting.

And we need your help to make it great!

A bit more about 107 Rooftop Garden

So the 107 Rooftop Garden we're building is on a roof section of the the first floor at 107 Projects - an artist-run community and arts organisation who are our long-time comrades.

107 Projects are downright amazing - they support artists + folk from all sectors of  Redfern and beyond to create art and change and a safe place for all. We're very proud to be creating this garden with and for their community.

The Rooftop Garden itself will be next to the space that we'll be utilizing as our main Sydney workshop venue from this Summer onwards - a place for intensive and also laid-back learning, workshops, food swaps and gatherings of all kinds.

The building itself at 107 Redfern St Redfern is owned by City of Sydney.

Thank You, Thank You...

We couldn't have gotten this project this far without the generosity of many folks already. So a big huzzah to:

Jenny + Chris from Fresh Landscape Design - for the garden design drawings and design input
Gordon from Free Range Food Gardens - for the carpentry and site management
Jimmy from Meanwhile Outside - for the 24-hr turnaround crowdfunding video
Grant %20 Byron from Urban Growers for planting support and expertise
Select Water Tanks for the awesome stainless steel watertanks
Atlantis for the essential flow cell + beautiful vertical gardens

And of course everyone at 107 Projects for, well, everything!

And to all the super-excellent volunteers that have turned up to help on the build so far, as well as Milkwood crew Heather, Adam + Trev

How The Funds Will Be Used

The proceeds from this crowdfunding will be used to off-set some of the cost of building the garden, and allow us to provide a wider range of hands-on learning programs to the community.

The garden is already designed and we're ready to move heaven and earth to make it all happen. And we're ready to sink funds into ensuring the build goes ahead.

But it's on a rooftop! Which is logistically tricky, and so involves lots of trucks and palettes and moving large amounts of heavy things.

And there's quite a bit to do that needs the pro's brought in to make or install elements - carpentry, topsoil, gabions, seats, water tanks, fruit trees, irrigation systems, beehives and more.

To do this garden to the standard and capabilities we want it to be will cost about $30,000 in direct costs. Which is quite a bit, but we're (Milkwood, that is) committed to paying for whatever is needed to make this garden awesome.

Crowdfunding 20% of the total costs will help us get the garden's public programs up sooner, as well as ensure we can get it all done this year.

Here are some of the things your donation will help us to include:

$40 will fund a shiitake log, to show people how they can grow yummy organic mushrooms in places impossible for veggies. The garden will have 25 of these logs.

$250 will fund the plants to fill one of the twelve planter boxes with scrumptious organic herbs and veggies.

$500 will fund one of the three vertical garden modules that will demonstrate small space gardening at its best

$750 will fund a portable micro forest garden with an established fruit tree, companion herbs & DIY self watering system (we will publish instructions on our blog). The garden will have six of these.

$1200 will fund the giant woven willow shade arch, which will turn this sunburnt space into an instant oasis

$1500 will fund a recycled timber tool shed for us to keep all the tools that will make the garden bloom.

$2500 will fund a complete aquaponics system to demonstrate closed loop intensive food production.

We've got a great team of crew and volunteers and we're going to make this garden happen, by hook or by crook. We're donating  our time, and whatever money the bare bones of the project needs that can't be raised. 

But if you can help us, we can make this place the most inspiring rooftop permaculture garden that Sydney ever did see.

A place to learn, to get hands-on, and for the community to soak up beauty and bees and calming shady places - all within a rocking edible greenspace, right in the city.

The Challenges

The challenges of this project center around the logistics and material costs of creating a beautiful, productive and resilient garden on a rooftop space.

In short: soil, rocks, recycled timbers, water tanks, plants, irrigation systems and waterproofing don't travel to the site, levitate upstairs or install themselves. It's a shame, but it's true.

Happily we've got a great team of hard-core garden designers and creators working on this garden - but the costs do add up pretty quickly.

Achieving this crowd funding goal will define how much we can do to install this garden space this Spring. We're determined to be harvesting fresh produce for the surrounding community by Christmas. We'd love your help to make it happen.

Two Thumbs Up

Hooray! For 10 bucks you'll get a warm and fuzzy feeling + we'll also add your name to the Thank you section of our blog when the garden opens. Come visit us sometime?

10 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 14

Seedy Goodness

Thanks heaps! We're going to send you a personal Thank You on a specially designed seed-paper note card. Which you can plant and grow, once you've absorbed the thanks within. We'll also add your name to the Thank you section of our blog when the garden opens.

16 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 14

VIP at Garden Opening

You rock. Please come along to our Garden opening as a VIP and drink cocktails with ingredients sourced from the micro forest garden, on us. We'll also add your name to the Thank you section of our blog when the garden opens.

34 chosen / 6 available

Est. delivery is Dec 14

Passata Day ticket

Wow you're awesome. Want to come to a special Passata Day, held just for givers like you, with us at the new garden in February? If you can't make it on the day, we'll post you some passata instead. And a thank you on our blog.

6 chosen / 34 available

Est. delivery is Feb 15

Summer Solstice Dinner

How good are you? Please join us at a special invite-only dinner in the Garden on the 13th December, with local food cooked by awesome Sydney chefs. And local cocktails. And some natural wine. And good conversation with gorgeous, down to earth folk. And a thank you on our blog.

11 chosen / 9 available

Est. delivery is Dec 14

Intro to Permaculture

Wow look at you - what a legend! Please come along to one of our upcoming 'Intro to Permaculture' (rrp $441 - 490) courses on us. And we'll include a thank you on our blog.

3 chosen / 7 available

Est. delivery is Nov 14

Micro Forest Garden

We love you to bits! For this amount you'll get naming rights to one of our Micro Forest Gardens - a fully established fruit tree surrounded by edible understorey with self-watering system. We'll thank you on a plaque attached to the planter. And we'd also love you to come along to our Summer Solstice dinner as a VIP too. We'll also add your name to the Thank you section of our blog when the garden opens.

1 chosen / 5 available

Est. delivery is Dec 14

Milkwood PDC training

Yep, you're certainly special. Please join us at any upcoming Permaculture Design Course (PDC) on us! This intensive 2 week course will arm you with some serious design skills. And you'll also be saving a bundle off the normal price. And we'd love you to come to our Solstice Dinner on the 13th December at the Garden too. And a thank you on our blog.

1 chosen / 1 available

Est. delivery is Nov 14

Aquaponics System

You are seriously the best thing since sliced bread. For this reward we'll put up a special plaque of thanks with your name, next to our extremely gorgeous aquaponics system which we're installing to demonstrate closed loop intensive food production. And we'd also love you to come along to our Summer Solstice dinner as a VIP too. We'll also add your name to the Thank you section of our blog when the garden opens.

0 chosen / 1 available

Est. delivery is Dec 14