Honarable Mention
You will get your name on the Decibel website as a supporter of this project.
Signed Program
A hard copy program from the premiere performance signed by Laura Lowther mailed to you. You name will be on the Decibel web site as a supporter!
Decibel Stubby Holder
Yep you read right! The quintessential Aussie prize. A lovely snow white Stubby holder with the Decibel logo on it (pictured). The gang will even sign it for you too. New music will never be the same again! If you come on the night we will even put a beer in it for you!
Big Poster
Poster from the concert, A0 size! Thats big! Features a beautiful design by Traianos Pakioufakis. As featured in the image below but...with Laura's name on it!
Premiere Recordings
A full quality audio recording of the premiere performance will be delivered to you.
Commissioners Package
This includes a signed program, a ticket to the concert, the audio recording and video recording of the world premiere performance posted to you on a USB drive, with both the A2 size poster from the concert AND the Decibel 2015 series (pictured) as hard copy.
Pure Support
We surveyed our audience, and understand some of you may wish to donate to this project, but don't necessarily want any of our paraphernalia in return. This option is for you
2015 Decibel Deluxe
In addition to a copy of the live recording, this gives you entry to this concert and all other Decibel concerts in 2015, as well as a copy of the new Decibel LP 'Tuned Darker' with pieces by Cat Hope, Lindsay VIckery and Stuart James on it. You can see preview the album on Listen|Hear's bandcamp page. All our concerts are on our web page decibelnewmusic.com or on the image below. You will be credited as a *Stella Donor* of Decibel projects on our website too!