The Melbourne Map - Successful Crowdfunding for Art Projects

Melbourne Map Campaign

Creating The Melbourne Map


In 1995 Melinda Clark returned from backpacking in Europe with a collection of illustrated city maps that she had collected. At home she searched for an illustrated map of Melbourne, only finding one published in the 1880’s. After enrolling into a course at Monash called “The Entrepreneur & New Venture Initiation Workshop” Melinda met illustrator Deborah Young and teamed up with her, working days and nights in Melinda's mother garage to create ‘The Melbourne Map: 1990’. 


Melinda believes this beautiful city deserved to be immortalised at this current time in her history so in 2014, Melinda and her team began creating the updated ‘The Melbourne Map’.
With a strong passion for their project, artists Deborah Young and Lewis Brownlie started the process of creating the intricate hand drawn illustrations, with the hopes of taking it to print for the public to enjoy. 

The Melbourne Map 2.0

The research process for The Melbourne Map 2.0 was extensive, followed by the painstaking design decisions and complex illustrations within each street and city block. The team knew they needed funds to purchase computer equipment and software for the digitization stages as well as covering artists costs.

With the support of numerous friends and family, the campaign was extremely successful, and struck a chord with art lovers all across Melbourne. Aiming for 20K, the team exceeded their goal, raising over 115K with 809 supporters in total.

Believing that all businesses have a social responsibility to give back to the community, the team chose to support an amazing organization called Kids Under Cover, with a portion from the sale of every poster used to help spread awareness.

Melinda Clarke, Founder

"A campaign is only really as good as the work you put into it prior and during. "

Moving Forward

The Melbourne Map aims to have a current map finished by late 2017 and ready to be sent to pledgers.
Melinda is also in talks with many souvenir shops at some great melbourne landmarks to have the map of our beautiful city available to all who would like a peice of Melbourne to take home.

The Melbourne Map Pozible campaign may be over, but it's not too late to pre-order your map of the most liviable city in the world. To place an order head to

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