Van Diemen's Band Inc.
"Australia's Baroque supergroup"

VDB record label - Bohemia album

of $23,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 22nd May 2021 at 1:00PM.

No Reward

I choose to have no reward for my pledge.

2 chosen

Tax-Deductible Donation

Donate $2 or more and receive a tax-deductible receipt.

Tax Deductible

4 chosen

I see a little silhouetto

May the sun continue to shine behind you! In return you will receive good vibes and great music! Thanks so much!

3 chosen

Est. delivery is Jun 22


You are clearly quite a character! Receive a copy of our new CD when it is released + your name on the website as a VDB supporter.

22 chosen

Est. delivery is Jun 22


You’re the dance partner of our dreams! Receive 2 copies of our CD once it is released + your name on the website and liner notes.

14 chosen

Est. delivery is Jun 22

Thunderbolts and Lightning

Very very… awesome?! Receive 2 copies of our new CD when it is released + a copy of our Bach Bass Cantatas CD, and your name on the website & CD liner notes as a supporter of VDB.

7 chosen

Est. delivery is Jun 22

Galileo, Galileo

It’s written in the stars! 3 copies of CD once it is released, + a copy of our Bach Bass Cantatas CD + your name on website, CD liner notes & programs with the title VDB Patron. Invitations to post concert events, and the opportunity to attend one of the recording sessions.

6 chosen

Est. delivery is Jul 22

Figaro, Magnifico

You’re our crowning glory! 3 copies of the new CD + a copy of our Bach Bass Cantatas CD, plus your name on our website, CD liner notes & programs with the title 'Van Diemen's Band Patron'. Invitations to post concert events, and the opportunity to attend one of the recording sessions. And an eternity of good hair days :-)

3 chosen

Est. delivery is Jul 22

Mamma Mia

Is all that for us? 3 copies of the new CD + signed copies of our complete recorded output (Bach Bass Cantatas CD, Cello Napoletano CD, Handel Concerti Grossi CD), plus your name on website, CD liner notes & programs with the title 'Van Diemen's Band Patron', and your name listed on our website as a founder patron of the ‘VDB’ record label. Invitations to post concert events, and the opportunity to attend one of the recording sessions. Oh and legendary status :-)

2 chosen

Est. delivery is Jul 22

No Reward

I choose to have no reward for my pledge.

2 chosen

Tax-Deductible Donation

Donate $2 or more and receive a tax-deductible receipt.

Tax Deductible

4 chosen

I see a little silhouetto

May the sun continue to shine behind you! In return you will receive good vibes and great music! Thanks so much!

3 chosen

Est. delivery is Jun 22


You are clearly quite a character! Receive a copy of our new CD when it is released + your name on the website as a VDB supporter.

22 chosen

Est. delivery is Jun 22


You’re the dance partner of our dreams! Receive 2 copies of our CD once it is released + your name on the website and liner notes.

14 chosen

Est. delivery is Jun 22

Thunderbolts and Lightning

Very very… awesome?! Receive 2 copies of our new CD when it is released + a copy of our Bach Bass Cantatas CD, and your name on the website & CD liner notes as a supporter of VDB.

7 chosen

Est. delivery is Jun 22

Galileo, Galileo

It’s written in the stars! 3 copies of CD once it is released, + a copy of our Bach Bass Cantatas CD + your name on website, CD liner notes & programs with the title VDB Patron. Invitations to post concert events, and the opportunity to attend one of the recording sessions.

6 chosen

Est. delivery is Jul 22

Figaro, Magnifico

You’re our crowning glory! 3 copies of the new CD + a copy of our Bach Bass Cantatas CD, plus your name on our website, CD liner notes & programs with the title 'Van Diemen's Band Patron'. Invitations to post concert events, and the opportunity to attend one of the recording sessions. And an eternity of good hair days :-)

3 chosen

Est. delivery is Jul 22

Mamma Mia

Is all that for us? 3 copies of the new CD + signed copies of our complete recorded output (Bach Bass Cantatas CD, Cello Napoletano CD, Handel Concerti Grossi CD), plus your name on website, CD liner notes & programs with the title 'Van Diemen's Band Patron', and your name listed on our website as a founder patron of the ‘VDB’ record label. Invitations to post concert events, and the opportunity to attend one of the recording sessions. Oh and legendary status :-)

2 chosen

Est. delivery is Jul 22