Five years ago, six dancers with eleven kids between them, sat in the tiny town of Broome, WA and pondered how to bring the magical world of dance and performing arts to their kids.... without the CR*P ! ... and so... BDC- Broome Dance Co-op was born!!
Over the years we have worked out of an industrial shed (34 degree makeshift dance studio) and hired extra venues to cope with increasing numbers of students.
We pride ourselves on providing affordable lessons to our community, without expensive shoes, uniforms and costumes. We LOVE our parents, they make the magic happen, and have therefore been able to create several magical performances where students perform alongside their teachers, peers and professionals.
After many community performances... our environmentally aware LORAX, a couple of funky XMAS SHOWS, our takes on PETER PAN & THE GRINCH & our collaboration with B.A.M in ALICE IN WONDERLAND; we realised that we offer so much more than just dance... it's a performance experience. And so B.P.A.C has now evolved....
But we have outgrown our studio and need to move... We have never operated as a business for profit, the 'kitty' has always made our shows affordable for our parents to attend... therefore... we need your help! We need to raise $10 000 to cover the costs of a sprung floor, mirrors and soundproof walls so that we can continue our legacy- to provide fun, funky, professional, AFFORDABLE dance and performance opportunities for our kids and community!
How The Funds Will Be Used
We will use the funds raised to build a 'tap studio', Musical Theatre has always been an important style in our repertoire... it drives the show and theme. We believe TAP is a super important style for our kids to excel in to pursue a Musical Theatre career... or just have a ball learning!
We will build soundproof walls to create 2 studios, to allow 2 classes to happen at once. One room simply doesn't cut it anymore... and we can now provide air con for those 40 degree days.
Mirrors will also be placed in both studios so the kids can continue to thrive in their chosen style by working on their technique and presentation.
* dividing walls $2500+
- extension walls and ceilings $4000+
* flooring $3000+
* mirrors $3000+
The Challenges
Building a studio is EXPENSIVE! Our main challenge will be completing the studio in time for the first term of school and for under $10 000... but we have huge community support and believe we can do it!
From little things... big things grow...
Any donation between $5- $100 will receive a thank you note and our love and appreciation:-)
Awesome Sauce
All pledges between $25 and $100 will receive a thank you note and our love and appreciation :-)
Mucho Generoso
Every donation between $50 and $100 will receive a thank you note and our love and appreciation ;-)
Big Spender
All donations between $75 and $100 will receive a thank you note and our love and appreciation ;-)
Dream Big
Donations above $100 will receive a thank you note, our love and free tickets to our show!
Make it happen
Donations above $500 will receive a thank you note, our love, free tickets to our show and 10% dance fees (for your child, or a chosen relative)
We can do it!
Any donation above $1000 will receive a thank you note, our love, free tickets to the show, a free event (disco etc) held at studio 34 and 10% off dance fees for the year!