Stilgherrian > Melbourne 2016
Basic Tip
My sincere thanks will go to you, MEDIA FREEDOM CITIZEN, for contributing to the continuing production of quality media.
Slightly Less Basic Tip
Your name listed on the website as a FOOT SOLDIER FOR MEDIA FREEDOM + my sincere thanks.
Fine Supporter
A personalised shout-out in a podcast, quoting what you allegedly said as a B-GRADE EVANGELIST FOR MEDIA FREEDOM + listing on the website + my sincere thanks.
Splendid Supporter
A postcard with a personal message for you, A-GRADE EVANGELIST FOR MEDIA FREEDOM + shout-out in a podcast + listing on the website + my sincere thanks.
Three Forum Trigger Words
As a MEDIA FREEDOM LEADER you can choose three words to be thrown together into the Forum debate + postcard + listing on the podcast web page + my sincere thanks.
Sponsor Type B
A thank-you in each campaign-related podcast episode, your logo and brief message on each website page, plus my sincere thanks.
Forum Question
As a MEDIA FREEDOM ENLIGHTENED ONE you'll have your question answered during the Public House Forum + postcard + listing on the website + my sincere thanks.
Your 30-second message twice in a chosen podcast + all Sponsor Type B benefits.