Aussie Ark
Extinction is not an option.


of $145,000 targetyrs ago
Closed on 10th Apr 2020 at 7:00AM.
bente siefertthank you for everything that you do5y
Michelle HarvisonHaving visited Aussie Ark, watching your brilliant work is priceless.5y
Jennifer Gilbert Turtles are amazing...they deserve all the help we can give. ❤5y
Peter Cockbainyou need to ammend your email recognition algorithm as it does not recognise the underscore symbol in my personal email address of [email protected]!!!5y
Sue AcornSo happy to help our little endangered animals5y
Jennifer HorneThank you for the wonderful work you are doing to ensure the survival of these two iconic turtle species.5y
Debbie Rowlandsour family loves turtles and we really want to ensure these two species' survival5y

No Reward

I choose to have no reward for my pledge.

42 chosen

Letter of Appreciation & Pen

We will officially say 'thank you' and send you a letter of appreciation and an Aussie Ark pen

18 chosen / 82 available

Est. delivery is Jun 20

Certificate of Thanks & Magnet

Certificate of Recognition to say Thank You for your support to the project, which you can proudly frame and put on your wall and an Aussie Ark magnet for your fridge!

25 chosen / 75 available

Est. delivery is Jun 20

Hunter River Turtle Photo

A gorgeous photograph of an endangered Hunter River turtle. What better way to show your support than to display this print in your home or office!

15 chosen

Est. delivery is Jun 20

Hunter River turtle footprint art

Receive an original Art piece made by a Hunter River turtle. It puts Van Gogh to shame!

3 chosen

Est. delivery is Jan 20

VIP tour of facility and entry to the Australian Reptile Park

Get a behind the scenes look at our world class facility at the at Australian Reptile Park (once construction is complete). Includes entry into park. Valid for up to 4 guests.

1 chosen / 4 available

Est. delivery is Mar 21

Devils Retreat Getaway and Devils in the Wild Tour

Located just 11Kms from the amazing Aussie Ark Site, your stay in our 4 bedroom retreat will get you in touch with your WILD side. With all of the essentials to ensure a relaxing getaway in the mountains, you’ll find yourself wishing to stay longer! Join us for a once-in-a-lifetime experience that you’ll remember for years to come. Your stay includes: - 2 nights’ Accommodation - “Devils in the Wild” tour – a 2 ½ hour walking tour of the Devil Ark facility

0 chosen / 5 available

Est. delivery is Jan 20

Project Partner

Partnership inclusions: - Recognition of partnership on plaque at new facility - Naming rights to one (1) turtle - Acknowledgement on website - Acknowledgement in newsletter - Stay at devils retreat - Devils in the Wild Tour at Aussie Ark - Tour of facility at Australian Reptile Park (once built) - Acknowledgement on social media (facebook and Instagram) - Inclusion in Press Release (dependent on partnership commencement)

0 chosen / 10 available

Est. delivery is Mar 21