Save Lake Knox - Wetland Ecologist

of $5,456 targetyrs ago
Successful on 5th Sep 2020 at 10:00AM.
Anthony BigelowCertainly worth the fight, thanks Andrew, its greatly appreciated :)4y
Jess LazarusThank you for all the work you all do. I've just made a donation Anthony. Every little bit helps. 4y
Anthony BigelowThank you Jess, greatly appreciated and every little bit helps :) Take care4y
Jonathan TicknerThank you for organising this. We need to protect and enhance our urban wetlands for future generations.4y
Anthony BigelowThanks Jonathan, and its so very encouraging to see our wonderful community come together to support this.4y
Nina deVreezeSave Lake Knox, our wildlife are so important and need all the support they can get. Lake Knox is also a gift to the future generations of Knox.5y
Anthony BigelowWell said Nina. Its a sad indictment of the authorities that we need to fight for something which should not need to be fought for. 4y
Margaret ThompsonKeeps your hands off our beloved Lake Knox, Development Victoria!5y
Anthony BigelowThanks Nilesh - its so very encouraging to see so many people supporting the saving of Lake Knox.5y
Linda Aldridgegood luck! there is too much urban planning without consideration for what the locals need and want5y
Anthony BigelowThanks Linda. Sadly consideration of what the locals need and want is not taken into account, when that is overridden by holey dollar, which is the only compass being used here by our State Government agencies.5y
Daniel WafflerThanking you for all your efforts in this matter. It really shouldn't have to be this way.5y
Anthony BigelowIt's shouldn't have to be this way, but sadly it is. When process is not followed, and the inherent values of Lake Knox are threatened, its clearly something that as community members we simply cannot sit this one out. Thanks for your support :)5y
Gwendolen De LacyA Wetland Ecology report is much needed for this site, which has more potential as a stunning extension of Knox City Council's Blind Creek Reserve than a flawed housing project that lacks due process. I am very happy to contribute to this report and thank you to all those leading the fight. 5y
Anthony BigelowThank you Gwendolen. Lake Knox has an amazing potential, it offers sanctuary to Knox's rare and endangered flora and fauna. Its a fight that we are all very happy to draw the line in the sand over. Thank you5y

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86 chosen

Wetland Ecology report

Pledge $1 or more and you will receive a copy of the report once it has been finalised by the Wetland Ecologist. This will be available via download only.

346 chosen

Est. delivery is Aug 20