Save Lake Knox - Wetland Ecologist
Lake Knox is a naturalised wetland in the heart of Knox, affectionately named by the many locals who value this large, deep-water body. Acting for the State Government, Development Victoria intends to fill in Lake Knox for a new blank canvas on which to meet stormwater requirements for medium-density housing developments onsite. The Development Victoria proposal would disturb and destroy the home of endangered species, for the mighty dollar once again.
Lake Knox in the afternoon sun
First Friends of Dandenong Creek (FFDC), the Knox Environment Society (KES) and Friends of Lake Knox Sanctuary (FOLKS) are seeking support from the community to fund the engagement of a well-respected wetland ecologist to perform an independent review and evaluation of the stormwater and ecological material prepared by Development Victoria's consultants. Once the report is produced, it will be publicly available and will be used by FFDC, KES and other community groups and individuals as a strong foundation to continue to advocate for saving Lake Knox. The report is time sensitive, as Development Victoria will in the near future be lodging permit applications with Knox City Council, and in discussion with Melbourne Water concerning the stormwater requirements for the site.
Development Victoria's proposal will mean effective or functional loss of the well-established, existing aquatic ecosystem, alongside other losses in terrestrial native vegetation and potential habitat. It seeks to replace this vital asset with a relatively conventional complex of stormwater wetlands. Lake Knox currently supports a range of rare and endangered flora and fauna, including the iconic Blue-Billed Duck (endangered in Victoria) and the critically endangered Eel Grass in Knox (considered rare in Melbourne).
Development Victoria remains committed to seeing Lake Knox as an obstacle, unwilling to acknowledge reputable scientific assessments and advice that seeks to find a solution to conserve protect and enhance the life already abundant therein.
While we appreciate the redevelopment amounts to a complex urban infill project, with various considerations to take into account, the proposal does not yet provide a full and proper response to biodiversity and habitat considerations in this northern sector. Consequently, it does not favour a net community benefit and sustainable development.
Lake Knox at 609-619 & 621 Burwood Highway Knoxfield
Based on current legal advice from our lawyer, Dr Bruce Lindsay from Environmental Justice Australia, the proposal does not appear to be responsive to a correct assessment of legal and policy provisions and, as a result, it is not clear that the response proposed in the stormwater wetland complex is viable or optimal or both by Development Victoria. This view is further informed by key uncertainties evident in technical reports on which the proposal appears to rely, but not satisfactorily accounted for. These uncertainties exist alongside the fact of high value biodiversity, including both flora and fauna species, associated with the extant wetland and surrounding land.
That said, when legitimate concerns are being raised over the quality of information presented by Development Victoria, it must be treated with the utmost seriousness. Rightfully the community is not accepting Development Victoria’s position, having relentlessly sought appropriate audience with Development Victoria for the past two years, to no avail.
This is an all or nothing crowd-funding event. If we do not reach our target, we will receive no funds, and your pledge will be returned.
A video by Greening Knox on the proposed development
Who am I?
My name is Anthony Bigelow, and I am President for First Friends of Dandenong Creek (FFDC).
FFDC currently focuses on the wider catchment area of Dandenong Creek and its tributaries between the Liverpool Road Retarding Basin in Boronia to the Boronia Road bridge, Wantirna in Melbourne.
FFDC can’t achieve this vital work alone. We gratefully acknowledge the ongoing support of such organisations and individuals as:
Melbourne Water
Knox and Maroondah Council
Living Links
Our local indigenous nurseries, Knox Environment Society (KES) and Community of Ringwood Indigenous Species Plant nursery (CRISP) together with Operation Revegetation.
Our wonderful community of resident planters, activists and change-makers!
And you! You’re more than welcome to join the fun too!
FFDC’s objectives for this region include:
Improving the water quality and riparian habitat;
Litter reduction;
Management of environmental weeds;
Re-establishment of indigenous floral and faunal habitat, and;
Protecting the waterway from inappropriate development load
Our website
Our facebook
I wish to express sincere gratitude to the following organisations and individuals who are supporting this campaign: Knox Environment Society, Greening Knox, Friends of Lake Knox Sanctuary, Animal Justice Party, Melbourne Tree Care, Eastern Climate Action Melbourne, Friends of Blind Creek Billabong, Friends of Koolunga Native Reserve, Friends of the Glenfern Green Wedge, Hunter Long, Nalini Scarfe, enRICHed Pursuits and Environmental Justice Australia. And to the countless numbers of people working behind the scenes! Thank you.
How else can you help?
Together we can stop this from happening!
1. Petition
Sign the Petition on and share it with your friends on social media
2. Social Media
First Friends of Dandenong Creek
Friends of Lake Knox Sanctuary
Join the discussion on the Facebook group - Save Lake Knox
3. Knox Residents
If you are a Knox resident, email your local Councillor, the Mayor and CEO.
Note: Knox Council will ultimately inherit the site, and the Council need to support the community. For more information, see Resources and conservation status.
Cr Nicole Seymour, Mayor - Tirhatuan Ward - [email protected]
Cr Marcia Timmers-Leitch, Deputy Mayor - Collier Ward - [email protected]
Cr Peter Lockwood - Baird Ward - [email protected]
Cr John Mortimore, Chandler Ward - [email protected]
Cr Adam Gill, Dinsdale Ward - [email protected]
Cr Jake Keogh, Dobson Ward - [email protected]
Cr Tony Holland, Friberg Ward - [email protected]
Cr Lisa Cooper, Scott Ward - [email protected]
Cr Darren Pearce, Taylor Ward - [email protected]
Tony Doyle - CEO - [email protected]
4. State MP's
The following state MP's are the local representatives for the community and are aware of the campaign. For more information, see Resources and conservation status.
Nick Wakeling MP - State Member for Ferntree Gully - [email protected]
Jackson Taylor MP - State Member for Bayswater - [email protected]
Shaun Leane MP - Eastern Metropolitan - [email protected]
A Blue-billed Duck mural by Jimmy Beattie, aka Dvate in Knoxfield 2020.
Resources and conservation status
Further reading for you:
Letter to Michael Wandmaker, Managing Director at Melbourne Water from FFDC, dated 27th of July 2020
Knox Environment Society - Save Lake Knox campaign page
The Age newspaper 'We will not be gagged': Locals speak up over loss of Lake Knox
SWIFFT - State Wide Integrated Flora and Fauna Teams (Blue-billed Duck)
State (Victoria) conservation status:
Endangered - Blue-billed Duck (Oxyura australis)
Rare - Floodplain Fireweed (Senecio campylocarpus)
Regionally (in Knox):
Critically endangered - Eel Grass (Vallisneria australis)
Critically endangered - Hairy Knotweed (Persicaria subsessilis)
Critically endangered - Small Mudmat (Glossostigma elatinoides)
Endangered - Hop Wattle (Acacia stricta)
Endangered - Tree Everlasting (Ozothamnus ferrugineus)
Endangered - Tasmanian Wallaby grass (Rytidosperma semiannulare)
Endangered - Narrow-leaf Cumbungi (Typha domingensis)
Endangered - Pale Flax-lily (Dianella laevis)
Source: Flora, Fauna and Native Vegetation Assessment 609-619 & 621 Burwood Highway Knoxfield by ECOCENTRIC Environmental Consulting dated 4th August 2017.
Photo: Nalini Scarfe
Budget Overview
Phase 1
1. Inception discussions on Lake Knox & review documentation and prepare draft assessment report
Time: 5 hours for inception discussions, and a further 10 hrs (6 hrs for reading and assessing the six documents plus 4 hrs for preparing draft assessment report)
2. Critique of likely success/failure of offset proposals
Time: 7 hrs (4 hrs literature search plus 3 hrs for including a review of this material in draft assessment report)
3. Costing
Total time: 22 hrs for Phase 1
Charge-out rate: $248 p/h includes GST
Total cost: $5,456 includes GST
Please note, subsequent funding of the wetland ecologist may be required, which could include:
A. Presentation of findings to Knox City Council
B. Presentation of findings to Development Victoria
C. Preparation of expert witness statement in format required by VCAT
D. Attendance as an expert witness
Items A, B, C and D have not been included in the crowd funding target of $5,456 inc. GST, as defined as "Phase 1". All pledges received through the crowd funding will be held by the Knox Environment Society, and released once the final report is received from the wetland ecologist. If we do not reach our target of $5,456 inc. GST, your pledge will be returned. This is an all or nothing crowd funding event.
Blue-billed at Lake Knox. Photo: Nalini Scarfe
No Reward
I choose to have no reward for my pledge.
Wetland Ecology report
Pledge $1 or more and you will receive a copy of the report once it has been finalised by the Wetland Ecologist. This will be available via download only.