Rent and Buy Loans

of $2,000 targetyrs ago
Closed on 30th Jun 2016 at 8:13AM.

7 people are supporting Kevin Cox

including 2 anonymous supporters

One Year Membership

You will become a member of Rent and Buy Loans. Your membership shows your support for the concept of lower cost loans and high value savings. You will receive monthly emails giving the status of Rent and Buy. You will find out where you can put your savings into Rent and Buy Loans and where you can find Rent and Buy Loans for your own home.

2 chosen

Est. delivery is Jun 16

One Hour of an Organisers Time

A Rent and Buy Member will be paid to organise petitions to present to governments, member associations, housing authorities, banks, and other major institutions. The petitions will ask institutions to offer Rent and Buy Loans. You will be asked what organisations you want to petition. You will receive a one year membership of Rent and Buy Loans.

0 chosen

Est. delivery is May 16

One Hour of Submission Writing

A Rent and Buy Member will be paid to write submissions to government enquiries into home ownership and affordable housing. We look to you to tell us about possible submissions and we will publish all submissions. You will be told where your money was spent and you will receive a copy of the submission. You will receive a one year membership of Rent and Buy Loans.

0 chosen

Est. delivery is May 16

Life Membership

You will become a life time member of Rent and Buy Loans. Your membership shows your support for the concept of lower cost loans and high value savings. You will receive monthly emails giving the status of Rent and Buy. You will find out where you can put your savings into Rent and Buy Loans and where you can find Rent and Buy Loans for your own home.

5 chosen

Est. delivery is May 16

Half Day Organisation Workshop

Your organisation will become a Rent and Buy Loans organisational life member. As an organisational member you receive the same benefits as an individual life member. A Rent and Buy Member will come to your organisation. They will facilitate a half day workshop on Rent and Buy Loans. You will set the workshop agenda in consultation with Rent and Buy.

0 chosen

Est. delivery is May 16

Full Day Workshop

Your organisation will become a Rent and Buy Loans organisational life member. As an organisational member you receive the same benefits as an individual life member. A Rent and Buy Member will come to your organisation. They will facilitate a full day workshop on Rent and Buy Loans. You will set the workshop agenda in consultation with Rent and Buy.

0 chosen

Est. delivery is May 16