Picking Petals - A Short Film
The Grand Gesture
- Social Media Shout Out We'll tell all our friends how much we love you!
Token of Friendship
- Homemade Friendship Bracelet A time-honoured tradition between friends. We can't guarantee it will be fashionable, but it will be full of love!
Pen Pal
- Token of Friendship AND - Handwritten Letter from the Director Letter writing is a dying art-form, but it used to be the most common form of communication between friends. You'll receive a handwritten letter in the mail for being such a fabulous friend!
The Art of BFFs
- Movie Stills A collection of 4x6 stills from the film to show off to all your friends! Includes a signed 6x8 of the cast and crew.
Circle of Friends
- The Art of BFFs AND - DVD copy of the film Just like all good friends, our film will have its flaws. The DVD copy will come complete with outtakes!
Best Buds Share Pack
- Circle of Friends AND - Care Package A Care Package full of Share Size treats that you can share with your best bud, or keep to yourself while watching our fabulous film.
Fair Weather Friends
- Best Buds Share Pack AND - Picnic with the Director and Producer Make some new friends at a picnic with the Director and Producer on a sunny day after filming is complete. (Melbourne Only)
The Friend-Ship
- Every other reward AND - Evening dinner cruise for you and your bestie aboard the PV Rothbury (Mildura only) OR City/Williamstown river cruise (Melbourne only)
The Grand Gesture
- Social Media Shout Out We'll tell all our friends how much we love you!
Token of Friendship
- Homemade Friendship Bracelet A time-honoured tradition between friends. We can't guarantee it will be fashionable, but it will be full of love!
Pen Pal
- Token of Friendship AND - Handwritten Letter from the Director Letter writing is a dying art-form, but it used to be the most common form of communication between friends. You'll receive a handwritten letter in the mail for being such a fabulous friend!
The Art of BFFs
- Movie Stills A collection of 4x6 stills from the film to show off to all your friends! Includes a signed 6x8 of the cast and crew.
Circle of Friends
- The Art of BFFs AND - DVD copy of the film Just like all good friends, our film will have its flaws. The DVD copy will come complete with outtakes!
Best Buds Share Pack
- Circle of Friends AND - Care Package A Care Package full of Share Size treats that you can share with your best bud, or keep to yourself while watching our fabulous film.
Fair Weather Friends
- Best Buds Share Pack AND - Picnic with the Director and Producer Make some new friends at a picnic with the Director and Producer on a sunny day after filming is complete. (Melbourne Only)
The Friend-Ship
- Every other reward AND - Evening dinner cruise for you and your bestie aboard the PV Rothbury (Mildura only) OR City/Williamstown river cruise (Melbourne only)