Moree Aboriginal Cemetery Project

of $5,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 31st Jan 2018 at 12:59PM.
Alison HowlettA truly important project to acknowledge the final resting place of so many Aboriginal people. . We are so proud of Aunty Noeli for her tireless ifetime work to achieve respect and acknowledgement for Aboriginal ancestors and descendants .7y
Paulette Marie SmytheGood luck, Aunty Noelie! You are a wonderful woman and I so much admire your perseverance and loving care. This is a worthy, beautiful and very important project - sending you every best wish.7y
Morgaan OttoWhat a wonderful project, the best of luck to you Aunty.7y
Simone GarlandBest of Luck Noelene, Wonderful wonderful work. Blessings Garland Family !7y
Seán BurkeYou are doing an amazing job Aunty. I'm honoured to be able to get your funding over the line.7y
Meredith AllanMy pledge seems inadequate but it comes with encouragement7y

Thank you Pledge

Pledge $5 or more to help us get this Project over the line...

6 chosen

Est. delivery is Jul 18

Pay for a Plaque

This pledge will pay for the purchase and establishment of one plaque. Your name will be read out during the Convocation Ceremony in the first half in 2018. You will be invited to attend the Convocation Ceremony.

137 chosen

Est. delivery is Jul 18