'Marcus' - LA & Beyond!
186 people are supporting Queer Club Films
For Your Eyes Only
We will send you a link and password to an exclusive online private preview of our short comedy Marcus ahead of it's public release. We will send the link within 24 hrs of your pledge.
Button Up!
Pick a button from the list AND get the link to a private online preview of Marcus. Buttons will go out in October but you'll be able to access the film within 24 hours of pledging. Free shipping within Australia
Queer Art
Our Queer Club Young illustrators are busy putting together a gallery of original art. Select a limited edition A4 200gsm print of your choice AND receive the link to privately preview the film Marcus. The Gallery will be made available to view and select from at the end of this campaign. Postage is free within Australia. The film link will be sent out within 24 hours of your pledge.
Sweet Dreams Swag Bag
Two deluxe peach-skin Pride Rainbow Standard Pillow Slips, Plus a button of your choice (please select from the list), Plus select an A4 200gsm original print from the Queer Club Illustrators Gallery (available at the end of the campaign) AND receive a link for a private online viewing of our short comedy Marcus. Physical rewards will be posted free in Australia in October, the film link will be sent to you within 24 hours of your pledge.
No Gnomophobia Swag Bag
A piece of genuine Marcus memorabilia, a hand painted Gay Gnome, Plus Two deluxe peach-skin Pride Rainbow Pillow Slips, Plus a button of your choice (select from the list), Plus select an A4 200gsm original print from the Queer Club Illustrators Gallery (available at the end of the campaign) AND receive a link for a private online viewing of our short comedy Marcus. Physical rewards will be posted free in Australia in October, the film link will be sent to you within 24 hours of your pledge.
Queer Art Benefactor
$100 will go to a Young Queer Club Illustrator to commission an original drawing as requested by you. Plus you'll receive all our swag, a handpainted gay gnome, 2 pillow slips, a button of your choice and an A4 200gsm print from the Queer Club Illustrators Gallery AND access to watch Marcus.. Physical rewards will be posted free in Australia in October, the film link will be sent to you within 24 hours of your pledge.
Queer Films Benefactor
Choose to be in our next Queer Club Films production, we'll write you a special part or have you credited as a producer. Plus you'll receive all our swag, a handpainted gay gnome, 2 pillow slips, a button of your choice and an A4 200gsm print from the Queer Club Illustrators Gallery AND access to watch Marcus.. Physical rewards will be posted free in Australia in October, the film link will be sent to you within 24 hours of your pledge.