'Marcus' - LA & Beyond!

of $7,288 targetyrs ago
Successful on 22nd Sep 2017 at 2:00PM.

Now that we've reached target, BEYOND!

Now that we have raised enough to send Morgan & Rowan to LA thanks to all of our wonderful and generous backers, all funds over our intial target will be going into Queer Club Films registered not for profit kitty to help us set up some mentoring sessions here in Melbourne for our young people with some of our comedian champions and film industry professionals to prepare them for their next project, developing Marcus into series of comedy webisodes following Marcus and his friends; exploring same sex attraction, gender and identity diversity.

Who are Queer Club Films?

Well, we're a bunch of queer and transgender kids between 13 and 20 from rural and the outer south east suburbs of Melbourne, who got really sick of never seeing good or accurate representation of us in the media (if any at all) and decided to take matters into our own hands. 'Marcus' is a collaboration that started with us all sitting around a table shouting about all our real-life experiences of the annoying, frustrating, disturbing and hilarious things people say to you when you're trans - and how we're sick of non-trans people telling that story wrong. We're a collection of drop-outs and high school sudents with no experience in film making, but a load of aspirations pointed in that direction - so together we wrote, directed, filmed, edited and starred in the whole project.

What is 'Marcus' about?

The day after their elder brother Marcus comes out as transgender, Bonnie and Benny, a pair of curious twins set out – to the great dismay of everyone around them – to learn more, armed only with a camera, stubborn dedication, and a touch of ignorance. Starring the members of Queer Club alongside comedians Cal Wilson, Broden Kelly, Demi Lardner and Lori Bell.

Why are we fundraising?

This Pozible has been set up to help us raise the money to send our director Rowan (19) and editor Morgan (20) to LA, not just to collect the award on behalf of the cast and crew of Marcus, but to take advantage of the amazing prize of attending a special young filmmakers masterclass and workshop at the prestigious LA Film School.

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for these talented and committed budding young filmmakers and a great chance to hone their skills for the benefit of our group for future film projects.

We have put together some great rewards and we hope that with your generous support we can reach our target and get Rowan and Morgan to LA in October.


Our hope is this campaign smashes our target so Queer Club Films can realise our ultimate dream of developing Marcus into series of comedy webisodes following Marcus and his friends; exploring same sex attraction, gender and identity diversity story concepts that we have been developing to entertain and educate people on the challenges and triumphs of being a queer teen in everyday suburban Australia.

Budget Overview

2 x Return flights to LA, USA = $2900

2 x US Visas = $28

2 x Travel Insurance = $140

5 days x 2 accomodation, transport and meals per diem allowance as suggested by gsa.gov for LA = $2180

MOQ set up and manufacture costs for rewards $1500

Total: $6748


8% Pozible and merchant fees $539.84

TARGET $7288

Potential Challenges

Our major challenge is time! We need reach our target as quickly as possible to get Morgan and Rowan to LA by the 6th October so they can attend the LA Film School workshop.

For Your Eyes Only

We will send you a link and password to an exclusive online private preview of our short comedy Marcus ahead of it's public release. We will send the link within 24 hrs of your pledge.

42 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 17

Button Up!

Pick a button from the list AND get the link to a private online preview of Marcus. Buttons will go out in October but you'll be able to access the film within 24 hours of pledging. Free shipping within Australia

19 chosen

Est. delivery is Oct 17

Queer Art

Our Queer Club Young illustrators are busy putting together a gallery of original art. Select a limited edition A4 200gsm print of your choice AND receive the link to privately preview the film Marcus. The Gallery will be made available to view and select from at the end of this campaign. Postage is free within Australia. The film link will be sent out within 24 hours of your pledge.

54 chosen

Est. delivery is Oct 17

Sweet Dreams Swag Bag

Two deluxe peach-skin Pride Rainbow Standard Pillow Slips, Plus a button of your choice (please select from the list), Plus select an A4 200gsm original print from the Queer Club Illustrators Gallery (available at the end of the campaign) AND receive a link for a private online viewing of our short comedy Marcus. Physical rewards will be posted free in Australia in October, the film link will be sent to you within 24 hours of your pledge.

37 chosen

Est. delivery is Oct 17

No Gnomophobia Swag Bag

A piece of genuine Marcus memorabilia, a hand painted Gay Gnome, Plus Two deluxe peach-skin Pride Rainbow Pillow Slips, Plus a button of your choice (select from the list), Plus select an A4 200gsm original print from the Queer Club Illustrators Gallery (available at the end of the campaign) AND receive a link for a private online viewing of our short comedy Marcus. Physical rewards will be posted free in Australia in October, the film link will be sent to you within 24 hours of your pledge.

15 chosen

Est. delivery is Oct 17

Queer Art Benefactor

$100 will go to a Young Queer Club Illustrator to commission an original drawing as requested by you. Plus you'll receive all our swag, a handpainted gay gnome, 2 pillow slips, a button of your choice and an A4 200gsm print from the Queer Club Illustrators Gallery AND access to watch Marcus.. Physical rewards will be posted free in Australia in October, the film link will be sent to you within 24 hours of your pledge.

6 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 17

Queer Films Benefactor

Choose to be in our next Queer Club Films production, we'll write you a special part or have you credited as a producer. Plus you'll receive all our swag, a handpainted gay gnome, 2 pillow slips, a button of your choice and an A4 200gsm print from the Queer Club Illustrators Gallery AND access to watch Marcus.. Physical rewards will be posted free in Australia in October, the film link will be sent to you within 24 hours of your pledge.

1 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 17