Irrelevant Elephant!
Written by Prema Nishan. Illustrated by Polina Hrytskova
Here's a little piece of the story, and the story behind the story.
"The Irrelevant Elephant thought he didn't belong,
Because he kept doing things that others said were wrong."
"This ineloquent elephant, he just didn't see
the ways that others said things should be..."
This book is not just a funny story about a farting elephant. Well it is funny, (especially for kids) but there is some deep symbolic meaning behind the elephant's wind. It's actually a story about how we bring our innocent and raw expressions into the collective social environment, and about finding creative and beautiful ways to bring our individual humanity into harmony with others. There is insight wrapped up in the metaphor; the young mind can learn and grow through this symbolic story. Polina Hrytskova has once again created some gorgeous illustrations to, capturing the magic and essence of the flatulent tale.
"The day that all the trouble started,
was when Elephant came to school, and farted.
He farted on his classroom chair
On the very first day that he was there..."
"Quite loud it was, Oh! Such a noise!
It frightened all the girls and boys..."
When Irrelevant Elephant comes to school, he is told that his farting instincts are wrong, and he is not allowed to fart anymore. Even though he had always farted at home, he must now hold it in. He doesn't understand this, so he finds a way to refine this natural instinct, and turn it into something that is beautiful and enjoyable for all. With a little twist on the advice of the horse of remorse, he turns his farts into arts. Farts that uplift and bring inspiration into the classroom.
Everybody farts, right? Yes, even you do. Maybe you keep them for the quiet warm space beneath the doona, or alone in your bathroom. Maybe you let it out quietly, or loudly, at the dinner table. It's okay. We may all have a different attitude or cultural perception of the wind that comes from the back end - but whichever way you look at it, farts are a part of life. Did you know that every animal in the world farts, except the sloth?
For me this book is the most symbolic of all my stories. I feel like it summarised my work in the field of intentional community design, as well as my studies in conflict resolution. It speaks to the serious questions that are continually pondered in collective living situations and groups that I have been part of: What do we do when someone farts? How do I bring my raw individual expression into the collective, without harming or offending others, or myself? How do I stay authentic to my own nature, not hurt myself by holding it in, and still exist harmoniously within the collective? These questions are incredibly relevant to the current social context that our kids are witnessing and growing up inside. Deep and pertinent concepts are wrapped up in the entertaining and musical farts of this Irrelevant Elephant, which have more relevance than they first seem.
Irrelevant Elephant finds a way. He doesn’t buy into the ideas of right and wrong, of punishment, shame and ‘remorse’. Instead, he listens carefully to the horse of remorse and takes cues from him, but then from a space of love and creativity, then learns how to turn his farts into arts. Arts that are beautiful, and enjoyable by all – including the teacher. Then he teaches the horse of remorse how to create beautiful music out of his farts too. He takes his raw flatulent essence and refines it into creative symphonic genius. It could be the new metaphor for spinning yard into gold thread.
If you would like to hear the rest of the story, you can buy the book here!! Due to your door in April 2022
By the way. The Irrelevant Elephant’s farts don’t smell – in case you were worried about that. His diet is very clean, and so is his conscience. The air passes right through. Maybe if his farts smelled very bad, he might need to think of a different solution, and change the metaphor. Actually an elephants' farts sound quite lovely. Check this out if you haven't heard an elephant fart before:
I thank you for your support in helping this story to be published, and I hope you and the small people in your life will find fun, amusement and creative insight from reading this book. Your support will pay Polina for the illustrations, and will go toward paying for the layout and design work, printing and postage of the books. Basically, you are funding the book to be created, while at the same time, buying yourself your own autographed copy of the book!
Estimated delivery date of the book to you is end of April. This is just an estimate; it's possible that it could be a couple of weeks either side of this, depending how long the layout design takes. You can support in various ways including just making a donation of your chosen amount - you will see the various reward options within the campaign.
I thank you very kindly for your support! May we all turn our metaphorical farts into arts, and create a much more inclusive and authentic world!
With much love,
Prema Nishan
Budget Overview
Illustrations: $1910
Design and layout: $2000
Printing with postage (to me) per book :
Softcover $13
Hardcover $17
No Reward
Your reward is just your happiness! A donation to the campaign
1 Softcover copy of the book!
Your very own softcover copy of the book! Lightweight and easy to read, the softcover option is a more affordable and lighter option
1 Hardcover copy of the book!
Your very own hardcover copy of the Irrelevant Elephant and the Horse of Remorse! Hardcovers are durable and more hard-wearing especially for small people! Postage is available to your door.
Gift Pack - 2 books! Dichotomous + Irrelevant
Bargain!! Order a hardcover copy of Irrelevant Elephant and the Horse of Remorse, and get a bonus hardcover copy of Dichotomous Hippopotamus and the Half-and-Half Giraffe together!