Institute of Lucks conference paper
No Reward
Personalised message of thanks
Note of thanks
A note of thanks with link to the published online paper
Inclusion in the acknowledgments of paper published online and in Institute of Luck's print materials
Invitation to participate as a guest in Insitute of Luck four hour workshop
Exploring auto - ethnographic theatre anthropology from a practical point of view, this is a socially and intellectually engaged creative workshop which develops new ways of making theatre based on individual and shared experiences of group theatre training. It draws on principles developed by historic theatre laboratory Odin Teatret that offer insights into transformation in methods of theatrical practice and composition. It pursues connections between resonant actions and effective speech between creative mediums, encouraging contributions from people at all stages of their creative journey. Workshops focus not only on transmission of skills but development of contexts where new forms of theatre and creativity can emerge between performers, directors, artists, writers, socially engaged facilitators and interested people.
Invitation to participate in four week workshop series
A four week reflective, socially and intellectually engaged workshop series in auto - ethnographic theatre anthropology: this workshop series develops new ways of making theatre based on individual and shared experiences of group theatre training. It draws on principles developed by historic theatre laboratory Odin Teatret that offer insights into transformation in methods of theatrical practice, and composition. It studies connections between resonant actions and effective speech in established and emergent forms. Workshops focus not only on transmission of skills but development of contexts where new forms of theatre and creativity emerge from relationships between performance makers, artists, writers, socially engaged facilitators and interested people.