F**king Transformer Short Film
No Reward
You get our genuine thanks and the knowledge that you've helped a bunch of weird filmmakers create something cool - Thank you so much!
Getting Ready
Let's get glamorous! We'll post a public thank you to our instagram (@ghostmartiniproductions), and create a highlight section so that you can come back and see the post anytime.
Elegant Corsage
We've picked the perfect flower to match your outfit! We'll send you the digital poster for the film to a nominated email address, and all previous perks.
Picture Perfect
Photographic evidence of your perfect teenage look! You'll get your name in the 'Special Thanks' section of the credits, plus all previous perks.
Limo Ride
We're ready to go! You'll get a link to the film when it's completed. This will be sent to the email address of your choice, for your eyes only. You will also get all previous perks.
School Ball
It's party time! You'll get either an 'I'm a F**king Transformer! or 'I'm an Ally to all Tranformers' sticker posted to a nominated address (within Australia only). You will also get all previous perks.
Let's Dance
Time to dance the night away! You'll get a personalised video fron your choice of cast member, writer, director, or producer, sent to your nominated email address. Plus, you will get all previous perks.
After Party!
Kick-ons! You'll get an executive producers credit and/or the logo of your business in our credits. We will also be eternally greatful. You will also get all previous perks.