11 people are supporting Brenton Magnus Johanne Clutterbuck
Listing on my webpage as a thanks for believing in my project. Discordians; Holy name is OK too.
Name listed on my website as contributor +link to your website. If you can get excited about my creative project, I'd love to help others get excited by yours. (Veto any offensive/explicit material though).
Behind the scenes access on new projects: If you choose this donation, I'll add you into projects in progress through Google Docs, to get sneak peeks at progress on new Creative Commons works (yes, this means you can make derivative works pre-release).
A book! A book!<br /><br /><br /> <br /><br /><br /> So, ideally, this is Chasing Eris, but publishing can be a long process, so if it's taking too long and you've got a long plane ride coming up, let me know and I can send you one of my existing fiction pieces instead.
As above with the book, but signed by me with a terrible poem on the inside cover as a tribute to my gratitude.