Kaleidoscope: Diverse YA Fantasy
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Receive: * the ebook edition of Kaleidoscope (all formats) * acknowledgment of your donation within the book * two Twelfth Planet Press tete-beche ebooks containing two novellas AND * the ebook edition of the Twelfth Planet Press anthology Sprawl
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Receive: * all $25 level rewards PLUS * a trade paperback copy of Kaleidoscope, shipped anywhere in the world.
Receive: * all $25 level rewards PLUS * your choice of three of the Twelve Planets single author collections ebooks
Anywhere in the world, receive: * all of the $50 level rewards PLUS EITHER * your choice of three more of the Twelve Planets single author collections ebooks OR * a trade paperback copy of Kaleidoscope
Anywhere in the world, receive: * your choice of the $75 level rewards * ebook edition of the Twelfth Planet Press anthology New Ceres Nights AND * surprise print copy of a Twelfth Planet Press book
Super ebook bundle Receive: * ebook copy of Kaleidoscope (all formats) and acknowledgment of your donation within the book PLUS ebook copies of: * two Twelfth Planet Press tete-beche ebooks containing two novellas * Sprawl * New Ceres Nights AND * full subscription (12 volumes) of the Twelve Planets single author collections
Anywhere in the world, receive: * all $150 level rewards PLUS * a trade paperback copy of Kaleidoscope
Anywhere in the world, receive: * all $175 level rewards PLUS * an additional surprise print copy of a Twelfth Planet Press book
Anywhere in the world, receive: * your choice of the $100 level rewards PLUS * an editorial critique (up to 10 000 words) from Hugo nominated editor Julia Rios OR World Fantasy Award winning editor Alisa Krasnostein.
Receive EVERYTHING from the previous rewards levels PLUS we will dedicate the book to you AND if you are at London Worldcon 2014, the editors will take you out for Afternoon Tea at the Ritz.