Hush 13 The Magic Island
Digital download – get a downloadable copy of the album delivered straight to your computer!
Get a physical copy of the album mailed to you to enjoy.
Get 2 physical copies mailed to you: buy one for a friend for Xmas!
Hush Gift Pack. A copy of Hush 13 mailed to you, plus your choice of any 2 Hush albums from the back catalogue ( )
$100 = 5 physical copies mailed to you. A great Christmas gift idea! Each album will also have a little thank-you note inside saying ‘Someone who cares about you has bought you this album. They’ve also made a sick child’s day a little bit brighter by supporting the Hush Music Foundation’.
Get a copy of each of the 13 albums in the Hush collection, all mailed to you to enjoy.