The LongLegged Stork Finds a Family

of $4,500 targetyrs ago
Closed on 8th Jan 2014 at 12:00AM.

Thanks for taking a leap of faith in my book and a BIG thank you for your support! Every bit counts. Know that what you are doing is helping to spread diversity!

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Est. delivery is Dec 13

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Est. delivery is Apr 14

Receive a copy of the story in eBook format, plus one (1) FREE signed hard copy of the book with free delivery anywhere World-Wide!!! Thank you for your support!

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Est. delivery is Jun 14

Receive a copy of the story in eBook format, plus two (2) FREE signed copies of the book with free delivery anywhere World-Wide!!! Thank you Thank you for your support!

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Est. delivery is Jun 14

YOUR NAME printed inside the published book on the Supporters Page! How AWESOME is that! You'll also receive a signed, limited edition copy of one of the illustrations from the book (ready for framing), accompanied by a certificate of authentication! PLUS A copy of the story in eBook format, and Three (3) FREE signed copies of the book with free delivery anywhere World-Wide! Thank you Thank you Thank you for your support!

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Est. delivery is Jun 14

You get ME! (Adelaide, South Australia only) I will come to your school, kindy, playgroup, childcare or home & read the book for you & your friends! PLUS YOUR NAME printed in the published book on the Supporters Page! PLUS A signed, limited edition copy of one of the illustrations from the book (ready for framing), accompanied by a certificate of authentication! PLUS A copy of the story in eBook format, plus Five (5) signed copies of the book! Thank you for your AMAZING support!

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Est. delivery is Jun 14

WOW! Your generosity is overwhelming! A heart-felt THANK YOU xxx You will receive everything from the $500+ reward, PLUS The full set of 5 'Your Family Books' including: Loved by Two, Two Dads For You, Twins Loved by Two, Just One is Enough & Because They Chose You. PLUS One of the ORIGINAL drawings from the book framed & signed, accompanied with a certificate of authenticity. *Yes - one of my precious hand-drawn and coloured in, one of a kind illustrations!*

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Est. delivery is Jun 14