* Signed thank you letter from John Smith * Thank you credit on the film
* Signed thank you letter from John Smith * Thank you credit on the film * Free online viewing of the film available for one week after the official film launch
* Signed thank you letter from John Smith * Thank you credit on the film * Free 'Sneak Preview' online viewing of the film available for one week either side of the official film launch
* Signed thank you letter from John Smith * Thank you credit on the film * Free 'Sneak Preview' online viewing of the film available for one week either side of the official film launch * DVD of 'Smithy' doco which will include many 'extras' such as extended interviews not shown in the main film
Everything from the $250+ Reward plus: * 'Bronze Sponsor' credit on the film * 2 x VIP seats at the Melbourne launch of the film
Everything from the $250+ Reward plus: * 'Silver Sponsor' credit on the film * 2 x VIP seats at the Melbourne launch of the film * Invite to a 'meet and greet' session with John Smith before the start of the launch, exclusively for 'Silver Sponsors'
Everything from the $250+ Reward plus: * 'Gold Sponsor' credit on the film * 4 x VIP seats at the Melbourne launch of the film * Invite to a lunch with John and Glena Smith and the film-makers, exclusively for 'Gold Sponsors' (Melbourne only)
Everything from the $250+ Reward plus: * Special credit on single screen at end of film - includes Company/Individual name + logo after the words - "This film could not have been made without the generous support of the following major sponsors" * 6 x VIP seats at the Melbourne launch of the film * A private dinner with John and Glena Smith for 'Major Sponsor' and guest (maximum of 3 sponsors and guests per dinner, Melbourne and/or other capital cities if possible)