of $50,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 17th Oct 2013 at 1:00PM.
Rob PeachPlease make this donation on behalf of GSCMC Central Queensland Chapter.11y
David FurlongVic, No need to send a signed thank you. I'm happy to contribute. Sorry it couldn't be more.11y
Felicity Gay MooreSmithy may not know me by the name on my registration. He knew me as Gay Kenny. I remember the days and nights building the huge mud brick building in Canterbury Road, Bayswater. Hard, but rewarding work. Making mud bricks, laying them and when that part was finished. Laying the brick floor of the magnificent creation that was built by volunteers. And we did it for Smithy and the Glory of God. Memories are a wonderful thing. Am so looking forward to seeing this film!!11y
Warwick VincentSmithy is a remarkable character in the way of really reaching out for the Lord and for people. I'm glad to help see the project through. Bill Anderson11y
Ian DonaldI really hope this project takes off. John and God Squad is a great Australian story and points to the greatest story ever! Whenever we started feeling comfortable - or afraid, and would retreat within the safe walls of the church, along would come John with his insightful, bold and sometimes angry prophetic voice to shake us up and get us off our lazy backsides. He'd show us that ordinary Aussies ARE hungry for an authentic demonstration of Jesus' words and actions. Thank You!11y
Carolyn CowlingJust heard about this project. Very keen to see this film when completed. A great story worth telling. An inspirational man - so 'real'! Lives the gospel that he preaches.11y
Chris LaceyJohn Smith is truly an inspiration. I would not be the man I am today without Smithy's influence and legacy. Thanks for pulling this project together and getting Smithy's story down on film for all to see. Blessings.11y

* Signed thank you letter from John Smith * Thank you credit on the film

32 chosen

Est. delivery is Aug 14

* Signed thank you letter from John Smith * Thank you credit on the film * Free online viewing of the film available for one week after the official film launch

29 chosen

Est. delivery is Aug 14

* Signed thank you letter from John Smith * Thank you credit on the film * Free 'Sneak Preview' online viewing of the film available for one week either side of the official film launch

27 chosen

Est. delivery is Aug 14

* Signed thank you letter from John Smith * Thank you credit on the film * Free 'Sneak Preview' online viewing of the film available for one week either side of the official film launch * DVD of 'Smithy' doco which will include many 'extras' such as extended interviews not shown in the main film

25 chosen

Est. delivery is Aug 14

Everything from the $250+ Reward plus: * 'Bronze Sponsor' credit on the film * 2 x VIP seats at the Melbourne launch of the film

16 chosen

Est. delivery is Aug 14

Everything from the $250+ Reward plus: * 'Silver Sponsor' credit on the film * 2 x VIP seats at the Melbourne launch of the film * Invite to a 'meet and greet' session with John Smith before the start of the launch, exclusively for 'Silver Sponsors'

5 chosen

Est. delivery is Aug 14

Everything from the $250+ Reward plus: * 'Gold Sponsor' credit on the film * 4 x VIP seats at the Melbourne launch of the film * Invite to a lunch with John and Glena Smith and the film-makers, exclusively for 'Gold Sponsors' (Melbourne only)

1 chosen

Est. delivery is Aug 14

Everything from the $250+ Reward plus: * Special credit on single screen at end of film - includes Company/Individual name + logo after the words - "This film could not have been made without the generous support of the following major sponsors" * 6 x VIP seats at the Melbourne launch of the film * A private dinner with John and Glena Smith for 'Major Sponsor' and guest (maximum of 3 sponsors and guests per dinner, Melbourne and/or other capital cities if possible)

0 chosen

Est. delivery is Aug 14