Taste Of Poverty
Thanks heaps!! every dollar is one step closer. And around a kilo of crushed cans. :)
Thank you for helping us get a film to the next level. :)
Thank you for helping us achieve our dream! Your donation has helped us to get an editor to help us with our film. And teach us how to do it! so we can do it on our next film.
WOW are you serious!!! Completed DVD signed by the whole cast and crew, name in the credits as the person who made the film FANTASTIC! Thank you.
This is here as a miracles do happen! We have the drive and the determination. We have the cast and crew. Our script is done! We are ready to film at the end of the year. For this pledge you will get a copy of the completed DVD signed by the whole cast and crew. Name in the Credit "Supporter of the little film makers". And and the knowledge that you helped the kids to create a fantastic film, learn how to edit by a pro, and gave them the tools to go for their dreams. :)