Wild Timor Coffee Flagship Cafe

of $35,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 30th Jan 2014 at 12:00PM.

Thank-you so much. Amazing karma will come your way. Thanks for the belief in four ex-soldiers to make a difference one small community at a time. Please come in and enjoy a free coffee with us.

4 chosen / 896 available

Est. delivery is Jul 14

Awesome. Please come in and share two free coffees with us so we can thank you personally.

17 chosen / 483 available

Est. delivery is Jul 14

You will be entitled to a 1 kg bag of our amazing coffee valued at $30. This maybe small but it keeps us going so we can really make a difference in Timor.

48 chosen / 152 available

Est. delivery is Jul 14

RESPECT. Thank you so much. Free 1 kg of coffee coming your way. Plus we will give you your first 10 coffees on us. You really are helping us to move that one step closer to being able to help our community back in Timor.

31 chosen / 169 available

Est. delivery is Jul 14

Coffee lovers beware. . We cannot thank you enough. We will give you 40 free coffees and a Wild Timor Coffee Hoodie to wear. Valued at $200. Thanks for your loyal support. Obrigadu barak. You'll get a special mention on Facebook.

47 chosen / 3 available

Est. delivery is Jul 14

You will receive 1 kg of freshly roasted organic coffee from our village monthly. Valued at $360. Also an invite to our VIP night with coffee tasting, beers and awesome acoustic music from some surprise famous people.

9 chosen / 21 available

Est. delivery is Mar 14

You will get 1kg of coffee delivered to your home or work of Wild Timor Coffee monthly for a year. Plus you will be the first to try our new blends which we will send you when complete.. You will also receive a 10% discount card for the cafe when it opens valid for two years. First coffees in the cafe will be on us for 1 year.

1 chosen / 14 available

Est. delivery is Mar 14

You will be our VIP guest at the cafe. One coffee everyday for free. Plus we will send you 1kg of Freshly Roasted Beans a month. T-Shirts, Hoodies you name it. We will also name a dish of your choice after you. You will be asked to help build the menu. You will also receive a 20% discount card for life at the cafe.

5 chosen / 5 available

Est. delivery is Jul 14

We are forever in your debt. We will take you personally to Timor for seven days next July and coffee harvest. Give you a guided tour of our coffee process, battlefield tour, beaches, hots springs, over night on the border. Our Special Guest. You will see personally how we are trying to improve life for our friends in Timor Leste. Any money over $8000 we will by another coffee hulling machine for another community which you can deliver in person.

0 chosen / 5 available

Est. delivery is Jul 14

Hello Business partner. We will give you a share in the cafe and will also be forever in your debt. We will take you personally to Timor. Give you a guided tour of our coffee process, beaches, battlefield tour, hots springs, over night on the border. Our Special Guest. You will see personally how we are trying to improve life for our friends in Timor Leste. A once in a lifetime opportunity.

1 chosen / 4 available

Est. delivery is Jul 14