The Ride: East Coast
An exclusive signed photo of the boys taken on location during The Ride (we wont be releasing this image anywhere else!) + You'll get an email from Maxi & Jesse at the end of their trip telling you about The Ride
A SHOUT OUT ON TWITTER THANKING YOU FOR DONATING FROM MAXI & JESSE (Please include your twitter name) + You'll get an email from Maxi & Jesse at the end of their trip + an exclusive signed photo of the boys
YOUR NAME IN THE CREDITS OF THE FILM + You'll get an email from Maxi & Jesse at the end of their trip + an exclusive signed photo of the boys + A shout out on Twitter thanking you for donating! (Please include your twitter name)
A SIGNED BONDI RESCUE LIFEGUARDS SHIRT + Your name in the credits of the film + You'll get an email from Maxi & Jesse at the end of their trip + an exclusive signed photo of the boys + A shout out on Twitter thanking you for your support! (Please include your twitter name)
GET YOURSELF TO BONDI BEACH FOR A LIFEGUARD EXPERIENCE! (Spend 2 hours with Maxi & Jesse while off duty at the beach & see what they get up to each day) + You'll get the exclusive email + the signed photo + a thankyou on twitter from Maxi & Jesse + your name in the credits of the film + a signed Bondi Rescue Lifeguards shirt
A GROUP SURFING LESSON WITH MAXI AND JESSE, FOR UP TO 5 PEOPLE! (2hrs) + Beach and date to be confirmed but likely Bondi. + We will supply surfboards and wetsuits. + Must bring your own swimming costumes and towel. + Must make your own way to surf destination - likely Bondi Beach weather dependant. DELIVERY - JULY - AUGUST 2013. WILLING TO NEGOTIATE A TIME WITH GROUPS.
A GROUP SURFING LESSON WITH MAXI AND JESSE, FOR UP TO 10 PEOPLE! (2hrs) + Beach and date to be confirmed but likely Bondi. + We will supply surfboards and wetsuits. + Must bring your own swimming costumes and towel. + Must make your own way to surf destination - likely Bondi Beach weather dependant. DELIVERY - JULY - AUGUST 2013. WILLING TO NEGOTIATE A TIME WITH GROUPS.
DINNER & DRINKS WITH MAXI & JESSE IN BONDI FOR YOU AND A FRIEND + your name in the credits of the film+ a signed Bondi Rescue Lifeguard shirt + You'll get the exclusive email + the signed photo + a thankyou on twitter from Maxi & Jesse + get yourself to Bondi Beach for a lifeguard experience
AN EXECUTIVE PRODUCER CREDIT (In name only) + Dinner and drinks with Maxi & Jesse for you & a friend + your name in the credits of the film + get yourself to Bondi Beach for a lifeguard experience + a signed Bondi Rescue Lifeguard shirt + You'll get the exclusive email + the signed photo + a thankyou on twitter from Maxi & Jesse