Let's publish 'Why My Mummy?'
465 people are supporting Juanita Childs
I want the book!
And we want you to have it! As an expression of gratitude, Donna & Kai will send you a beautiful, autographed copy of 'Why My Mummy?' from the very first print run.
Buy a book, give a book
You're wonderful. We want to thank you with an autographed first edition of "Why My Mummy?" AND we'll donate a copy on your behalf to a school, library or hospital so it can educate kids about terminal cancer.
I want 5 books!
You're amazing! So we want to reward you with 5 copies of 'Why My Mummy' autographed with love and thanks from Donna & Kai. We would love to hear what you do with them, and encourage you to let us know on our Facebook page.
Buy 5 books, give 5 books
You're a superstar! As a reward you will receive 5 autographed copies of 'Why My Mummy?' to give to people in your own community AND we will donate 5 copies to schools, libraries or hospitals in your honour.
Give Away 20 Books!
This is an incredible contribution with a feel-good reward for a very special individual or corporate donor. 'Why My Mummy?' will give 20 copies to families living with cancer, each with a book plate to recognise your generosity.