The Journey of Admiral Bolognaise

of $6,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 9th Apr 2016 at 8:05AM.
EnaNinja est fière de toi. Banzai !!!9y
Jo BrownGood luck Rachel and Daniel! Looking forward to reading the books to Jassie!9y
Bac LilianeChėre Rachel nous sommes heureux de contribuer à la réalisation de ton projet félicitations pour tes œuvres plein de bisous de Liliane et Loulou9y
Kate BendallI hope there are more art prints available too. Look forward to getting the book.9y
Taier BageGood luck guys! Can't wait to receive our copy of your new book....maybe it will be delivered in person like the last?!?!9y
Shanelle ClaphamLooks like fun, I can't wait to read these books to my Daughter Freya9y
FaussatBon courage. J'espère que tu y arriveras Bises Hélène Faussat9y

Thank you!

A heartfelt thank you, a signed Captain Blueberry Card and an invitation to the book launch.

8 chosen

Est. delivery is Jun 16

The Book

A signed copy of The Journey of Admiral Bolognaise and an invite to the book launch! Thank you!

65 chosen

Est. delivery is Jun 16

Book One & Book Two

A signed copy of The Monsters of Tasmania and signed copy of The Journey of Admiral Bolognaise + an invite to the book launch! Thank you!

28 chosen

Est. delivery is Jun 16

The Hall of Fame!

A HAND DRAWN PORTRAIT OF YOU (or one person of your choice) and your name on the end papers of the book, along with the book characters and the authors! And a signed copy of the book, an invite to the book launch, and a monstrous thank you!

1 chosen / 9 available

Est. delivery is Jun 16

The Captain's Reward

A book reading by Captain Blueberry (residents of Tas only). You’ll also receive one copy of the book, your portrait in the hall of fame and an invitation to the book launch! (And eternal glory!)

1 chosen / 2 available

Est. delivery is Jun 16

The Admiral Package

1) One signed copy of The Journey of Admiral Bolognaise, 2) One signed copy of The Monsters of Tasmania, 3) Two A4 prints from The Monsters of Tasmania 4) One colouring book of The Monsters of Tasmania 5) A huge thank you, and an invite to the book launch!

8 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Mar 16