Lights, Cameras, Critters
of $12,000 targetyrs ago
Closed on 15th Dec 2015 at 7:00AM.
Lights, Cameras, Critters
Face book shout out * unless anonymity requested
$10 or above Facebook shout out* and a Korong Ridge screen saver. * unless anonymity requested
Exclusive Korong Ridge bookmark made with either a pressed, locally indigenous, Yellow Gum or Grey box leaf
A postcard pack of 5 limited prints of Mt Korong
Day on the ridge plus a tour of camera sites, picnic lunch for two supplied
Exclusive 2 night campout for 2 on the ridge, carry out reptile surveys, tour of camera sites includes picnic lunch and dinner
Exclusive Korong Ridge herbarium specimen made with pressed, indigenous, Deans Wattle