The Design Conference BNE May 26-27
International shout-out
Want to support us but cant make the event? Make this small contribution and we will show our thanks by including your name in the event titles. Small acts of kindness make the world go round. You support will help us make a long term difference in our local creative community.
Stream the event
Following the 2016 event, our creative team will launch each talk from The Design Conference as a password protected set of videos on our Vimeo channel. People choosing this option will receive access months before the general public. We ask for you to respect our privacy and copyright of these videos and trust you will not broadcast this reward to large groups without our express written permission.
Event t-shirt
At each event we collaborate with one of our current or past speakers in producing a two colour, limited edition t-shirt. Our 2016 event t-shirt will be available exclusively via Pozible and limited to a run of 100 shirts. Past shirts have featured the works of London based artist Mr Penfold (@mrpenfold) and Australian Illustrator Milan Chagoury (@staybold). Traditionally we have printed both sides on AS Colour blank tees. The approved design will be available in white and black.
Two-day pass
Attend The Design Conference on May 26 & 27 2016 at this hugely discounted rate. Available for all members of the public and creative community including students (save 50%), general / professional (save 65%) and concession card holders (save 50%). This Pozible offer will replace our traditional early bird campaign for 2016.
Two-day pass + t-shirt
Attend The Design Conference on May 26 & 27 2016 at this hugely discounted rate while sporting one of our two colour limited edition event t-shirts. Available for all members of the public and creative community including students (save 50%+), general / professional (save 65%+) and concession card holders (save 50%+). This Pozible offer will replace our traditional early bird campaign for 2016.
Dine with speakers + pass
Enjoy a two hour silver service dinner with Jonathan LeVine, D*FACE and Timba Smits at restaurant to be named at a later date. Reward includes a complimentary two-day pass to The Design Conference Brisbane 2016.
Philanthropic supporter
Cultivating an authentic experience is paramount. Supporting us in this pursuit are world class industry leaders including MailChimp, Wacom, Ironlak, AGDA and Adobe. We are seeking two philanthropic individuals to join us in raising another A$5000 each to assist with promotional costs. To show our appreciation, each supporter will receive a double AAA + accommodation pass. We will also publicly acknowledge your contribution via all event promotion including a personal thanks during the event.
Philanthropic supporter
Cultivating an authentic experience is paramount. Supporting us in this pursuit are world class industry leaders including MailChimp, Wacom, Ironlak, AGDA and Adobe. We are seeking a philanthropic individual to join us in raising a further A$10000 to assist us with intl Qantas flights. To show our appreciation, this supporter will receive an all expenses* trip to the event. We will also publicly acknowledge your contribution via all event promotion including a personal thanks during the event.