10x10 Philanthropy
Goldman Sachs presents their 2022 charity networking event.

10x10 Sydney Event : 28 Oct 2015

of $10,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 30th Oct 2015 at 12:25AM.

A$100 + Event Ticket

Entry to the 28 October event. Upon entry you will receive 2 x $50 charity vouchers. You will hear from the 3 charities and get to decide which one or two deserve your vouchers.

105 chosen / 145 available

Est. delivery is Dec 15

A$150 + Event Ticket

"Don't leave anyone out" option! Entry to 28 October event. Upon arrival you will receive 3 x $50 charity vouchers and a raffle ticket. This is an ideal option for those who want to give one voucher to each enterprise and thereby support all three of our worthy causes.

23 chosen / 177 available

Est. delivery is Dec 15

$300 + Event Ticket

"The extra mile" option! Entry to 28 October event. Upon arrival you'll receive 6 x $50 charity vouchers and two raffle tickets. If you think a charity deserves more, then you can go the extra mile and show your support.

2 chosen / 48 available

Est. delivery is Dec 15