10x10 Philanthropy
Goldman Sachs presents their 2022 charity networking event.

10x10 Sydney Event : 28 Oct 2015

of $10,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 30th Oct 2015 at 12:25AM.
There are thousands of charities and social enterprises, so how do you know which one to support?
How do you know where your money's going?
How do you find the time to find out what's out there, let alone whether they're worthy?
How difference if you are not a millionaire?

10x10 is a scalable platform that provides a unique and social forum for young professionals and creatives to give to emerging charities or social enterprises whose causes resonate with them. It also engenders a culture of giving and philanthropy within our communities.

Join us on Wednesday 28 October 2015 at aMBUSH Gallery
Level 3, Central Park, 28 Broadway, Chippendale NSW 2008
Drinks & canapés from 6:30pm. Speakers begin promptly at 7pm.

1) Each event showcases three emerging charities or social enterprises, carefully chosen as organisations creating solutions to complex social issues in our communities or abroad.
2) Supported by the 10x10 founders, each event is planned and hosted by a fresh committee of 10. Each committee member hosts 10 guests at the event, bringing together over 100 people who each contribute $100 or more, raising $10,000 at least!
3) Each charity or social enterprise has five minutes to pitch in the style of the popular UK television show "The Dragon's Den" and are then questioned by a special guest Dragon about their cause and business model.
4) The amount you donate through Pozible in advance is turned into vouchers for 'Charity Dollars' in increments of $50. After hearing the pitches, you choose the organisations you most want to support. Many people want to support all three charities or social enterprises so they contribute $150 or more. Additional donations to the enterprises are contributed by our event sponsors.
5) All costs of each event are covered by event sponsors, to ensure that ALL funds raised on the night go directly to the three charities or social enterprises.

Having lost her own father to bowel cancer at age 51, Can Too founder Annie Crawford knows first-hand the devastating impact that Cancer can have on an individual and their family. Annie was a social worker and helped set up a biotechnology start-up in San Francisco, before deciding to combine her passion for running and fitness with raising money for cancer research.
Five months later, in May 2005, the first Can Too program was up and running and she partnered with Cure Cancer Australia (the beneficiary of all funds raised by the Can Too teams), to fund brilliant young researchers in the early stages of their career. 
In 2014, Can Too became its own health promotion foundation aimed at transforming lives health and fitness and raising money for Cancer Researchers.
Annie has served as a National Advisor to Afrika Tikkun Australia, a South African NFP dedicated to alleviating the impact of HIV/AIDS and poverty in townships, and is an Ambassador for Opportunity International Australia, an NFP micro-financeorganisation which transforms the lives of families living in poverty in Asia through the provision of small loans.
She also runs her own foundation with her husband that strategically direct funds to not for profits.
Annie was awarded an AM (Member of the order of Australia) in 2013, has received several other awards in recognition of the work of Can Too, is on the Board of Cure Cancer Australia and 10 Thousand Girl Campaign and is a graduate of Australian Institute of Company Directors.

How The Funds Will Be Used


ONE DISEASE is a non-profit organisation that believes that no Australian should die of a preventable disease. Our mission is to eliminate disease from remote Indigenous communities, one disease at a time. First on the list is scabies, which affects 7 in 10 children before they turn 1. We work collaboratively with communities, local clinics and health bodies on the ground to focus on the clinical diagnosis and treatment of simple scabies as well as the severe form of scabies, known as crusted scabies.
Our messages to the community are positive, empowering and hopeful and we identify ourselves as the 'Healthy Skin Mob' when out and about in the community. Currently we have been welcomed into 28 communities in the Top End of the Northern Territory. We strongly believe that pitting our will against scabies and its devastating consequences will not only eliminate the disease, but also create a stronger partnership with Indigenous Australians and begin to heal a much older wound.

One of the challenges when living on the streets is personal hygiene, some people shower at shelters and some in public toilet blocks, either way people are constantly worrying ‘Who is around’ or ‘Am I safe’.
ONE VOICE provides practical solutions for children and adults sleeping rough.
In 2014, One Voice launched Australia’s first Mobile Shower Service at Batman Park in Melbourne and provided a safe environment to shower, shave and brush ones teeth, referral services to organisations that provide support and assistance and the distribution of free hygiene products and clothes.
In 2015, One Voice will launch the world’s first Mobile Shower Bus. The service is fully self contained and has on-board water tanks, gas hot water systems and generated electricity meaning that it is self sufficient and mobile to adapt to changing needs and location issues when they arise.
In 2016, One Voice hopes to raise funds to house some of the homeless children who who are left searching for shelter and a safe place to sleep every night.

is a learning continuum, transforming the journey to the new world of work. We fuse the current segmentation between school, tertiary, and graduate education, and work; we break down the generational boundaries that exist in learning; we smash old world barriers between cultures and socio-economic status. Ultimately, and fundamentally, at the heart of everything we do is the fostering of creativity, design thinking, entrepreneurship and innovation. The nexus of I-Manifest is within the workplace itself, where our programs are co-created with each industry to ensure we are closing legitimate skills gaps.
Our vision is to continue to develop our suite of authentic, project-based learning programs to create aligned, resilient and adaptable young people who are not only armed with technical skills, but are also in possession of the inner tools they need to find their own unprecedented ways forward, such as courage, spirit and tenacity so, no matter how their journeys unfold, they are able to adapt, innovate, relate, stay connected and ensure a robust, equitable and economically prosperous world for all.
Our focus is on youth marginalised through geography, socio-economic status, disability or culture. 

Choose how much you want to pledge by selecting one of our three rewards: $100, $150 or $300 by clicking on the rewards icon. All donations are tax deductible. This is your entry ticket to the event.
You pre-pay this on Pozible, one of Australia's leading crowdfunding websites, and get a confirmation of your contribution. The pooled funds are held securely by Pozible.
ALL of the pooled funds will then be distributed to the social enterprises based on the tallied up contributions.

Thank you to our foundation sponsor and our generous supporters.

Thank you to aMBUSH Gallery for graciously letting us use their exciting contemporary art space located in buzzing Camperdown next to UTS and the new 'Goods Line'. 


Like us on Facebook for more information on our events and charities we've worked with:
Or visit our website @ http://10x10philanthropy.com/

Here is a copy of the invitation if you want to save or send it. 

A$100 + Event Ticket

Entry to the 28 October event. Upon entry you will receive 2 x $50 charity vouchers. You will hear from the 3 charities and get to decide which one or two deserve your vouchers.

105 chosen / 145 available

Est. delivery is Dec 15

A$150 + Event Ticket

"Don't leave anyone out" option! Entry to 28 October event. Upon arrival you will receive 3 x $50 charity vouchers and a raffle ticket. This is an ideal option for those who want to give one voucher to each enterprise and thereby support all three of our worthy causes.

23 chosen / 177 available

Est. delivery is Dec 15

$300 + Event Ticket

"The extra mile" option! Entry to 28 October event. Upon arrival you'll receive 6 x $50 charity vouchers and two raffle tickets. If you think a charity deserves more, then you can go the extra mile and show your support.

2 chosen / 48 available

Est. delivery is Dec 15