Out Of This World Print Project

of $5,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 26th Oct 2015 at 1:16AM.


A thank you on my FB page and mattpike.co website and an ebook copy of Starship Dorsano Chronicles: Kings of the World or Apocalypse: Diary of a Survivor.

1 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 15


A signed first run print copy of Starship Dorsano Chronicles: Kings of the World and an ebook copy of Apocalypse: Diary of a Survivor... or vice versa. A thank you on my FB page and mattpike.co website.

18 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 15


A signed print copy of both Starship Dorsano Chronicles: Kings of the World and Apocalypse: Diary of a Survivor. A thank you on my FB page and mattpike.co website.

14 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 15

Gold Plus

Signed print copies of Apocalypse: Diary of a Survivor and Kings of the World. A thank you in the ebook sequels to both books (Apocalypse 2 and War & Quel), plus thank yous on my FB page and mattpike.co website.

5 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 15


An acknowledgement in the printed Starship Dorsano Chronicles: Kings of the World and Diary: Apocalypse of a Survivor books. Both books also signed. A thank you on my FB page and mattpike.co website.

3 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 15


Name a planet* in my next book, Starship Dorsano Chronicles: War & Quel. A personal thank you in both printed books. Signed print copies of both Starship Dorsano Chronicles: Kings of the World and Apocalypse: Diary of a Survivor. A thank you on my FB page and mattpike.co website. *Well, we’ll work together on a name that sounds alieny enough for the occasion.

2 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 15

Diamond Plus

Name a significant character* in my next book, Starship Dorsano Chronicles: War & Quel. An acknowledgement in both printed books. Signed print copies of both Starship Dorsano Chronicles: Kings of the World and Apocalypse: Diary of a Survivor. A thank you on my FB page and mattpike.co website. *Well, we’ll work together on a name that sounds alieny enough for the occasion.

2 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 15