Jennifer Cossins
Children's author and illustrator

The Illustrated Baby Animals Book

of $6,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 6th Jun 2015 at 4:03AM.

A postcard from me!

For a pledge of $5 I'll send you a postcard to say thanks, featuring an original image from the book!

0 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 15

Blog Advertising!

DO you run your own creative business or blog? Then this is for you.... Advertise your creative business/blog on the Red Parka blog for 3 months for only $8 (normally $8 for one month). You'll get a large sidebar ad (I'll design it for you if you don't have one) and during the 3 months it displays, your business/blog will be featured editorially at least once. Let's help each other in our creative journeys!

7 chosen

Est. delivery is Aug 15

Greeting Cards

For a pledge of $10 you will receive 3 greeting cards featuring my original illustrations.

1 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 15

The Book!!

For a pledge of $20 you'll receive a copy of the finished book, signed by the author! Plus a bonus greeting card for being awesome!

52 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 15

1 for you, 1 for a gift!

For a pledge of $50 you'll receive 2 signed copies of the book - one for you and one for a gift! You'll also get 3 greeting cards featuring my original illustrations, PLUS a cool fridge magnet featuring one of the images from the book!

22 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 15

3 x books plus extras!

For a pledge of $80, you'll receive 3 signed copies of the book! You'll also get 5 greeting cards featuring my original illustrations, a fridge magnet AND an original A4 print of your choice from the book!

5 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 15

Wholesale Bundle!

For retailers only! Do you have a beautiful store that Red Parka would look good in? If so, then this reward is for you. This book will normally wholesale for $11.95 but as a Pozible special, you can get 10 copies for $100! They will be signed if you wish as well!

11 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 15

The Book Bundle!

This reward is a little different and is good for those of you new to Red Parka - you'll get 2 signed copies of the book PLUS a collective noun tote bag full of Red Parka goodies! This includes a signed copy of each of my previous three books, a collective noun tea towel, a pack of 4 notebooks, 5 greeting cards AND a magnet featuring an image from the new book!

5 chosen / 15 available

Est. delivery is Sep 15

A postcard from me!

For a pledge of $5 I'll send you a postcard to say thanks, featuring an original image from the book!

0 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 15

Blog Advertising!

DO you run your own creative business or blog? Then this is for you.... Advertise your creative business/blog on the Red Parka blog for 3 months for only $8 (normally $8 for one month). You'll get a large sidebar ad (I'll design it for you if you don't have one) and during the 3 months it displays, your business/blog will be featured editorially at least once. Let's help each other in our creative journeys!

7 chosen

Est. delivery is Aug 15

Greeting Cards

For a pledge of $10 you will receive 3 greeting cards featuring my original illustrations.

1 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 15

The Book!!

For a pledge of $20 you'll receive a copy of the finished book, signed by the author! Plus a bonus greeting card for being awesome!

52 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 15

1 for you, 1 for a gift!

For a pledge of $50 you'll receive 2 signed copies of the book - one for you and one for a gift! You'll also get 3 greeting cards featuring my original illustrations, PLUS a cool fridge magnet featuring one of the images from the book!

22 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 15

3 x books plus extras!

For a pledge of $80, you'll receive 3 signed copies of the book! You'll also get 5 greeting cards featuring my original illustrations, a fridge magnet AND an original A4 print of your choice from the book!

5 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 15

Wholesale Bundle!

For retailers only! Do you have a beautiful store that Red Parka would look good in? If so, then this reward is for you. This book will normally wholesale for $11.95 but as a Pozible special, you can get 10 copies for $100! They will be signed if you wish as well!

11 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 15

The Book Bundle!

This reward is a little different and is good for those of you new to Red Parka - you'll get 2 signed copies of the book PLUS a collective noun tote bag full of Red Parka goodies! This includes a signed copy of each of my previous three books, a collective noun tea towel, a pack of 4 notebooks, 5 greeting cards AND a magnet featuring an image from the new book!

5 chosen / 15 available

Est. delivery is Sep 15