Jennifer Cossins
Children's author and illustrator

The Illustrated Baby Animals Book

of $6,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 6th Jun 2015 at 4:03AM.
Hello! Thanks for checking out my project!

I'm here to seek your support to self-publish my fourth illustrated book, at this stage known as The Baby Animal Book!

Two years ago I published my first book with the assistance of a Pozible campaign. This book was called A Compendium of Collective Nouns and it went really well - in fact, it still sells well to this day! Since then, I have been able to successfully self-publish two more books by myself. But now, I need your help again as self-publishing is an expensive business and I don't have the ready funds available to get my newest project, the baby book, printed and out into the world!

As an illustrator with a special love for drawing animals and interesting words, the idea of a book of baby animals has been bandied about in my world for sometime. After all, the words are so much fun! For example, a baby platypus is called a puggle! A baby owl is an owlet and a baby hare is a leveret! And there are many more, from the basic pups and calves to kits and goslings and whelps! There will even be puffins, one of my favourites as a baby puffin is called a puffling! Too cute!!

So after a couple of years of pondering the idea (while I've been obsessing over collective nouns!) it's time to bring it to life! I'm close to completing the artwork, and it's almost time to send it off to the printers. Which is where you come in!

Basically, I plan to raise the money for printing by pre-selling the book. Additionally, if you want to support me further, you can get other products as rewards that I will be making from the illustrations created for the book, such as art prints, magnets and cards.

The book will sell for $20 when it's finished, so if you'd like to pre-purchase it, just select the $20 reward! As a bonus for helping me get this book out there you'll also get a bonus Red Parka greeting card and free shipping within Australia! If you want more copies or would just like to support me further, there are other rewards you can select as well. 

All rewards will be really good value so it's just like buying something in advance! I'm so excited about this book so thank you so much for helping me continue to follow my dream of being a published author/illustrator!

How The Funds Will Be Used

I'm seeking $6000 in funding for this book. The budget is pretty simple as my main cost is printing and $6000 will cover getting an initial print run of books printed and shipped to Tasmania. I will be using my own funds to cover other costs associated with self-publishing, like marketing, distribution and a book launch.

If excess funds are raised, I will use it to print more copies of the book so I can spread the baby animal joy even further! 

A postcard from me!

For a pledge of $5 I'll send you a postcard to say thanks, featuring an original image from the book!

0 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 15

Blog Advertising!

DO you run your own creative business or blog? Then this is for you.... Advertise your creative business/blog on the Red Parka blog for 3 months for only $8 (normally $8 for one month). You'll get a large sidebar ad (I'll design it for you if you don't have one) and during the 3 months it displays, your business/blog will be featured editorially at least once. Let's help each other in our creative journeys!

7 chosen

Est. delivery is Aug 15

Greeting Cards

For a pledge of $10 you will receive 3 greeting cards featuring my original illustrations.

1 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 15

The Book!!

For a pledge of $20 you'll receive a copy of the finished book, signed by the author! Plus a bonus greeting card for being awesome!

52 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 15

1 for you, 1 for a gift!

For a pledge of $50 you'll receive 2 signed copies of the book - one for you and one for a gift! You'll also get 3 greeting cards featuring my original illustrations, PLUS a cool fridge magnet featuring one of the images from the book!

22 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 15

3 x books plus extras!

For a pledge of $80, you'll receive 3 signed copies of the book! You'll also get 5 greeting cards featuring my original illustrations, a fridge magnet AND an original A4 print of your choice from the book!

5 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 15

Wholesale Bundle!

For retailers only! Do you have a beautiful store that Red Parka would look good in? If so, then this reward is for you. This book will normally wholesale for $11.95 but as a Pozible special, you can get 10 copies for $100! They will be signed if you wish as well!

11 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 15

The Book Bundle!

This reward is a little different and is good for those of you new to Red Parka - you'll get 2 signed copies of the book PLUS a collective noun tote bag full of Red Parka goodies! This includes a signed copy of each of my previous three books, a collective noun tea towel, a pack of 4 notebooks, 5 greeting cards AND a magnet featuring an image from the new book!

5 chosen / 15 available

Est. delivery is Sep 15