Barbariön: A Documentary... Mostly
99 people are supporting Dave Budge
<font size="4"><b>The Peasant</b></font size> Exclusive behind the scenes content during production. A massive <b>thank you</b> on social media from Barbariön and your name in the credits of the film.
<font size="4"><b>The Axeman</b></font size> <i>Includes all of the above rewards plus: </i> A digital download of Barbariön's latest album <b>'Ram the World'</b>
<font size="4"><b>The Warrior</b></font size> <i>Includes all of the above rewards plus: </i> A digital download of <b>the completed film</b> in Full 1080p HD.
<font size="4"><b>The Bearded Warrior</b></font size> <i>Includes all of the above rewards plus: </i> A copy of <b>the film on DVD</b> complete with Pozible backer exclusive cover art. A <b>postcard</b> sent to you from the band member of your choice while on tour in Europe. <font size="2"><i>Add $10 to ship outside Australia</i></font size>
<font size="4"><b>The Blue Bearded Warrior</b></font size> <i>Includes all* of the above rewards plus: </i> A copy of the film on <b>high definition Blu-Ray</b> (instead of DVD) complete with Pozible backer exclusive cover art. A <b>postcard</b> sent to you from the band member of your choice while on tour in Europe. <font size="2"><i>Add $10 to ship outside Australia</i></font size>
<font size="4"><b>The Well Dressed Bearded Warrior</b></font size> <i>Includes all of the above rewards plus: </i> An exclusive Barbariön Documentary <b>T-Shirt </b>available only to Pozible backers. A custom <b>Barbariön guitar pick</b> guaranteed to make you shred faster.* <font size="2"><i>*Increase in shredding speed not guaranteed</i> <i>Add $10 to ship outside Australia</i></font size>
<font size="4"><b>The Giant Eagle</b></font size> <i>Includes all of the above rewards plus: </i> A custom <b>character drawn of you</b> and used as a featured extra in the animated portion of the film with your own voice/scream* used in the sound mix. A <b>double pass</b> to the exclusive cast and crew premiere of the film. <font size="2"><i>*We'll need you to record your own voice and email it to the production company</i> <i>Add $10 to ship outside Australia</i></font size>
<font size="4"><b>Dinner with Frankie</b></font size> <i>Does not include any other rewards</i> A <b>private dining experience</b> with lead vocalist Frankie Gionfriddo at a restaurant of his choosing. A <b>memento</b> of the evening.
<font size="4"><b>The Power Wizard</b></font size> <i>Includes all of the above rewards plus: </i> Your <b>name on the door</b> (plus one) to every Barbarion gig for the next 12 months* An <b>Associate Producer</b> credit on the film. <font size="2"><i>*Excludes some festival shows</i></font size>
<font size="4"><b>The Conan</b></font size> <i>Includes all of the above rewards plus: </i> <b>A song about any subject</b> you choose composed and recorded by Barbariön, then used in the soundtrack of the film.
<font size="4"><b>The Thor</b></font size> <i>Includes all of the rewards above - except "The Conan" - plus: </i> Hang out with Barbariön for an <b>epic night of rock' n' roll adventure.</b> A fully catered meal of meat and booze at Hoffbrau House followed by a night touring the best of Melbourne's* metal/rock bars and clubs. All expenses covered. A <b>glamour shot </b>with you and Barbariön. <font size="2"><i>*Other cities available depending on Barbariön's tour schedule</i></font size>
<font size="4"><b>The Odin</b></font size> <i>Includes all of the rewards above - except "The Conan" and "The Thor" - plus the following: </i> The Barbariöns invade your space to <b>play a gig for you</b> at any event. Birthday, Wedding, Bar Mitzvah or Funeral. Then they drink you under the table. A <b>glamour shot</b> with you and Barbariön. <font size="2"><i>*Extra transport costs if outside Victoria, Australia</i></font size>
<font size="4"><b>The Æsir </b></font size> <i>Does not include any other rewards</i> Barbariön will make <b>your wildest dream</b> come true* <font size="2"><i>*Dream must be limited by known laws of physics and a modest budget. For example, product placement in this film is a worthy dream</i></font size>