Saving NZ's Native Fish
Thank you email & update
We will send you an email of thanks for supporting this important project and make sure you are kept up to date with our project's progress.
Help us make it upstream!
In addition to rewards above - we will send you a cool electronic image that you can display to let your friends know that you are on board!
Attend an event
In addition to rewards above - we will send you an invitation to our public educational events.
Fishy Factsheets
In addition to rewards above - we will send you a digital copy of our ‘Fishy Factsheets’. NZ Landcare Trust has developed a series of 6 Fish Fact Sheets. This resource focuses on New Zealand's unique freshwater fish and highlights the factors that impact on their survival: 1. Our Freshwater Fish 2. Stream Works for Fish 3. Fixing Your Stream Edges 4. Native Fish in the City 5. Native Fish on the Farm 6. Caring For Our Catchments
Co-producer credit
In addition to rewards above - we will give you a credit on the educational video to conclude the project and highlight its achievements.
Business logo featured
In addition to rewards above - with this reward we will feature your business logo at all project related events and on the educational video. It is a great way to promote that your business is helping save NZ's native fish through our project.
Personal tour of project
In addition to rewards above - we will arrange a personal tour of the project for you, or your representative, and we will incorporate you as an extra on the educational video if you are available. (Note: You will need to arrange your own travel to Hamilton to take up this opportunity)