Real Australians Say Welcome
Mini Poster
You will receive a Mini Poster (21x30cm), perfect for your fridge door or office cubicle. Every poster has been screen printed by hand and signed.
Boundless Plains To -----
For every $50 you contribute you will receive this Full Size Poster (90x120cm) that takes it's text from the Australian National Anthem. Each poster is screen printed by hand onto brown kraft paper and signed.
Full Size Poster
For every $50 you contribute you will receive a Full Size Poster (90x120cm). Each poster is screen printed by hand onto brown kraft paper and signed.
Poster Instal (public)
I will visit you during the campaign and stick up posters on any public wall you have. (must be within a capital city)
Poster Instal (private)
I will visit you during the campaign and stick up posters on any private wall you have. (must be within a capital city)
Presentation / Discussion
During the campaign I will come and speak to your group about this project and the issues it touches upon. There will be time for questions and discussion. I will speak to any size group but you must be located within a capital city.
Regional Town
During the campaign I will visit almost any town of your request and put up a generous amount of posters. I will need you to put up a bed for the night and I'll take care of the rest.