Star.21 Fitness Band
1386 people are supporting OAXIS Holding Pte Ltd
Very Early Adopters
You can still get our Black Star.21 at prices way below the market price. The Star.21 will be sold for more than CNY590 (USD95).
Early Adopters
Adopt the Star.21 (Black) before they are gone! The Star.21 will be sold for more than CNY590 (USD95).
Pozible Special
The one deal you have been waiting for. Grab either the Black or Sky Blue Star.21 with this special package. The Star.21 will be sold for more than CNY599 (USD96)
Best Buddy Combo
Get 2 Black Star.21 for you and your best buddy. Use them for workouts together. Two Star.21 will be sold for more than CNY1100 (USD177).
Je t'aime
Rose Red Star.21 for your red hot sweetheart while you wear the mysterious Black Star.21. Two Star.21 will be sold for more than CNY1100 (USD177).
Rose Red or White Star.21 for your adorable half and Black or Berlin Blue for yourself. Two Star.21 will be sold for more than CNY1100 (USD177).
For the Guys
Get a pair of Star.21 (Berlin Blue and Grass Green) to show your brotherly bond. Two Star.21 will be sold for more than CNY1100 (USD177).
For the Gals
Get a pair of Star.21 (Rose Red and White) to show your sisterly love. Two Star.21 will be sold for more than CNY1100 (USD177).
555 Pack
Choose 5 Star.21 from Black, Grass Green and Rose Red colors. This pack is worth CNY2,795 (USD450) in retail. ps: We will email you to confirm your color selection.
Perfect 10 Pack
Choose 10 Star.21 from Black, Rose Red, Grass Green and Sky Blue colors. This pack is worth CNY5,990 (USD966) in retail. ps: We will email you to confirm your color selection.
Reseller Pack
Choose 50 Star.21 from Black, Grass Green, Rose Red, SkyBlue and Berlin Blue colors. This pack is worth CNY29,950 (USD4,830) in retail. ps: We will email you to confirm your color selection.
Disty Pack I
Choose 100 Star.21 from Black, Rose Red, Sky Blue, Grass Green, Berlin Blue and White colors. This pack is worth CNY59,900 (USD9,661) in retail. ps: We will email you to confirm your color selection.
Disty Pack II
Choose 500 Star.21 from Black, Rose Red, Sky Blue, Grass Green, Berlin Blue and White colors. This pack is worth CNY299,500 (USD48,306) in retail. ps: We will email you to confirm your color selection.
Star.21 Ambassador
Be recognised as our Ambassador by wearing the stylish Star.21 (Black) and enjoy the greatest discount while at it. The Star.21 will be sold for more than CNY590 (USD95).