Spreading the Electric Love!
Mary Goodwill Pledge
Any pledge, no matter how small, is greatly appreciated.
Vintage Mary!
Head back to where it all started. Digital download of our very first single 'Sail On' plus three unreleased. Tracks: 'Sail On' 'OIC/Going Down' 'You Don't Speak' 'Whole Lotta Bombs'
Live Mary: From The Vault
You'll be sent a link to a digital download for 5 LIVE tracks taken from a recording session we did in New York. These can only be found on 'From The Vault', released in Japan to support our tour in 2012. Tracks: 'My Best Friend' 'Let Me Out' 'Nobody's Perfect' 'Hey Now' 'Gasoline & Guns'
Vintage & Live Mary!
Head back to where it all started. Digital download of our very first single 'Sail On' plus three unreleased. AND 5 LIVE tracks taken from a recording session we did in New York. These can only be found on 'From The Vault', released in Japan to support our tour in 2012. Tracks: 'Sail On' 'OIC/Going Down' 'You Don't Speak' 'Whole Lotta Bombs' 'My Best Friend' 'Let Me Out' 'Nobody's Perfect' 'Hey Now' 'Gasoline & Guns'
Mary Poster (A2 Colour)
Promo shot (as below) by the infamous "Chowie" who's responsible for many of the great live shots from our shows in Melbourne, Australia. Can be either left unsigned, or signed by all 5 members. A2 sized, printed on 160GSM
On the road with Mary!
Join us digitally on the road as we spend November '14 traveling through Northern Ireland, England, Wales, Spain and France. We'll send you a personalised group photo as well as a message from each of the band members (both to be sent via email).
Mary Merch Pack 1
We'll be bringing new music to our friends outside of Australia soon but in the meantime, this pack is for you (as well as for those in AU who already have 'The Last Great Hope') including: Electric Mary T-shirt 'The Last Great Hope' guitar pick Electric Mary wristband Electric Mary sticker
Mary Listening Party!
Join us as we spin our brand new release (to be recorded in March 2014) in full from start to finish. Venue will be in Melbourne, Australia.
Mary Merch Pack 2 (Aus)
Pack for our friends in Australia including: 'The Last Great Hope' EP Electric Mary T-shirt 'The Last Great Hope' guitar pick Electric Mary wristband Electric Mary sticker
Photo with Mary 1
Join us pre-show for our final residency show at the Esplanade Hotel (St. Kilda, Australia - September 26th) to have your photo taken by our good friend Chowie with all 5 band members. Can be either left unsigned, or signed by all 5 members. Unframed A3 print.
Mary History Book 1
Take a trip through our first 10 years by the way of photography. 20 pages of photos with stories of the in's the out's the who's the where's the have's and the have not's. Size: 15x15cm
Mary in Rehearsal!
Join us in rehearsal upon our return from 2014 EU/UK tour. Will be held in Melbourne, Australia on a weeknight in December (exact date TBA). Rehearsal will run over a 2 hour period.
Mary History Book 2
Take a trip through our first 10 years by the way of photography. 20 pages of photos with stories of the in's the out's the who's the where's the have's and the have not's. Size: 21x21cm
Sing with Mary!
Join us in the studio as we record 'My Best Friend'. Add your vocal talent to the backing vocals in the chorus. To be held in Melbourne, Australia.
Thru Mary's eyes (GoPro)
See the EU/UK through the eyes of the band member of your choice. This will be sent to you on a GoPro and the photos will be exclusively yours not to be published elsewhere. Here's excerpts of a previous tour through Rusty's eyes: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150362232049662.367609.10972829661&type=3
Day in the studio!
Spend the day in the studio with us from start to finish .. the when, the how, the why. Watch us put down the bare bones of a brand new track.
Mary Acoustic!
Rusty and Pete will strip back a cover of your choice and upload to YouTube (with a personal message). Here's Rusty doing Free's 'Mr Big': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgDyl5Qm0c4