ZACH'S CEREMONY Feature Documentary

of $30,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 24th Oct 2014 at 6:05AM.
Nerys LewisStories like this one need to be heard. Good luck with reaching your target.10y
Sandra Ann BlakeCongratulations for believing in the possiblity of creating and delivering a film discussing the current dilemas facing Australian youth. An amazingly tenacious group of people, team work dedicated with passion from folk who have heart and a deep depth of conviction to what they value and truly believe in. Bravo, we need this kind of enriching material to shape the awareness of the generations to come.10y
Tina FlemingThe passion and enthusiam of everyone on this important project will see your vision realised.10y
Steven KelsallGreat opportunity to support this project and I look forward to seeing the film.10y
Sandra MarshallThis is such a worthwhile project and i hope you reach the target.10y

A$10 + Reward

Our eternal thanks plus some good karma for being involved

18 chosen

Est. delivery is Oct 14

A$25 + Reward

A personal thank you email from the production team plus a mention on the Social Media pages. Provided exclusive email updates on the documentary and screening times

55 chosen

Est. delivery is Oct 14

A personal thank you and mention on Social Media + Exclusive email updates + A copy of the theatrical poster signed by Zach Doomadgee

7 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 15

A personal thank you and mention on Social Media + Exclusive email updates + A copy of the released DVD signed by Zach Doomadgee

37 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 15

A personal thank you and mention on Social Media + Exclusive email updates + A signed copy of the released DVD + Special thank you mention in the credit roll.

12 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 15

A personal thank you and mention on Social Media + Exclusive email updates + A signed copy of the released DVD + Special thank you mention in the credit roll + Two tickets to the exclusive Pozible screening in Sydney (travel not included) which includes access to the Cast + Crew Q&A

3 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 15

A personal thank you and mention on Social Media + Exclusive email updates + A signed copy of the released DVD + Special thank you mention in the credit roll + An exclusive meet and greet with Zach Doomadgee and his father Alec at our Sydney based studio (travel not included)

2 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 15

A personal thank you and mention on Social Media + Exclusive email updates + A signed copy of the released DVD + Special thank you mention in the credit roll + A meet and greet with the Editor to view the editing process of the final film. Based in Sydney (travel not included)

3 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 15

A personal thank you and mention on Social Media + Exclusive email updates + A signed copy of the released DVD + Special thank you mention in the credit roll + A LIMITED invitation to an editing session of the film. Editor and Director present. Based in Sydney (travel not included)

0 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 15

A personal thank you and mention on Social Media + Exclusive email updates + A signed copy of the released DVD + A logo of the supporting company in the film credit roll + An exclusive INVITATION ONLY on board the 'Tribal Warrior' on Sydney Harbour with Zach Doomadgee and his father Alec learning about the culture (travel not included)

0 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 15

A personal thank you and mention on Social Media + Exclusive email updates + A signed copy of the released DVD + A single screen special thank you in the credit roll inclusive of a company logo + An exclusive INVITATION ONLY on board the 'Tribal Warrior' on Sydney Harbour with Zach Doomadgee and his father Alec learning about the culture (travel not included)

1 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 15